I Only Liked One Song

I have to be honest, I don’t understand a lot of the kinds of “art” Gnarls Barkely creates. there is no debate in saying that Gnarls is DEFINITELY an eccentric artist. But, you wanna know something else? Most artists are inspired by other artist in some way shape or form. At the moment, there’s absolutely no one I can think of I can compare him to. This guy literally seems like he’s from another fucking planet! 🤣 However, if you concentrate and listen through all what sounds like disorganized notes from the instruments being played, Gnarls actually has a great voice! But, you’d never know it because his music beats are pieces of shit (in my opinion, sorry). I also think (in my opinion) that his voice fits better singing the kinds of music that Curtis Harding makes. Gnarls voice almost sounds like it belongs in a different era.
Sadly, I think Gnarls will continue to be a one hit wonder, because he was just too eccentric then, and now for the music culture of today.

Unfortunately, Gnarls Barkely is a one hit wonder, and it happens to be the only song he produced I actually like. That song is called “Crazy (2006).” This has such an awesome sick beat, anyone of any age can groove to this beat. It’s also sort has an old school sound too. It’s the only song from this album were the music beats themselves appear to be coherent. According to my research, the song has hit #3 on the American Pop Charts, and number #1 in the UK. From what I’ve read, after his one hit reign, he went on hiatus in 2010. As far as I can tell he hasn’t been performing (with the exception of a few commercials here and there). I found a nice remix on SoundCloud of Crazy that sounds nice as well. This song is a very unique hit, and I think any changes made to this song would fuck it up royally.

Song: Let Your Love Flow
Artist: The Bellamy Brothers
Album: The Bellamy Brothers (1976)
Genre: Country
Of all the genres I’ve written about, this is probably about the second country band that fell in to the black obscure hole. Well, at least to those who may not be serious country fans. I think folk who like country music tend to have a better memory of obscure country artist than any other genre (I think anyway). I can’t say that I was really in to The Bellamy Brothers’ music very much. However, I do think they were talented tho. If I heard them on the radio I’d listen and usually enjoy, but I wasn’t moved enough to buy their records.
The Bellamy Brothers Where One Hit Wonders!!

However, I was hooked on one song they recorded called “Let Your Love Flow.” I was about 8 years old when this song came out. The song not only shot up to #1 on the American Billboard Top 100 Chart, it also did well in Canada and Australia. Spotify has them registered as over 61M plays. Understand (well, at least in my opinion) that that number is huge, when you consider there was no music streaming in the 70s or 80s.
Their Love Definitely Flowed Directly To Their Bank!!

There is no question that “Let Your Love Flow” was the song that catapulted their career (in my opinion). From the little information I gathered from the Billboard Charts, it looks like this was their only official number one hit. Only two other songs registered on the charts. A song called “Satin Sheets (1976),” which reached #75th position. And a song called “Hell Cat (1976),” and reached #70th position. All 3 were actually on the same album. “Hell Cat,” was actually a great song. It’s a shame it did not claim hire than it did.

Song: Be Thankful For What You Got
Artist: William DeVaughn
Album: Be Thankful For What You’ve Got (1974)
Genre: Groove
Wow…. I wonder how many people remember this guy? When I was growing up, he had a massive unforgettable hit that invaded Black communities everywhere! I doubt anyone under the age of 40 has any knowledge of who he is (unless their parents were cultured enough to play music like his). William DeVaughn, now 73, is an R&B/Soul singer with a 50+ career in music. However, as far as my memory goes (and what I see in my research) he only had one hit within that fifty year time span. What an eerie and strange coincidence, that his one and only hit song was called “Be Thankful For What You Got,” as if to say the song itself is what he should be thankful for. ?
His Curtis Mayfield Like Grooves!

It is very clear that Curtis Mayfield had an influence. I’m not sure if that means he literally had a hand in it, or the song was inspired by Curtis’s music. What’s interesting is that he worked in government at the time, and paid almost $1,000 dollars for studio time to record the album. Various members of MFSB helped with background music. I think this is interesting because rarely have I heard about someone working in government, turned hit musician. I guess he also had connections on some level as well. Usually stories like these are told about celebs who were waiters, fast food workers, etc.
Still Performing!

“Be Thankful For What You Got,” climbed to #4 on the Top 100 Charts, and #1 on the R&B Chart, as well as selling over a million copies. According to what I’ve read, Williams had another hit called “Blood Is Thicker Than Water (1974),” from the same album. The song reached #10 on the R&B Charts. I don’t remember ever hearing this song before, but as I listen to the song on YouTube, it sounds too similar to “Be Thankful For What You Got.” I really hate it when record companies used to force artists to literally recreate replicas of various songs. Not only does it actually cause the artist music to become boring after awhile, it becomes harder for fans to find their music, because we couldn’t figure which album to buy.

Song: Wildfire
Artist: Michael Martin Murphey
Album: Blue Sky-Night Thunder (1975)
Genre: Country
I don’t know guys, I may or may not turn you off with today’s selection? But, like I’ve always said, my tastes are extremely diverse, and that quality is one of the reasons why I decided to start this blog ?. If you asked me which “go to” genre I loved the most, that would be a really difficult question. Perhaps that question would be easier answered, if I broke them down by era. My primary genres really depended on the decade I was in. I think in the 70’s I was drawn to more “easy listening” type music, which included country. I may be bias, but in my opinion, I think the 70s yielded some of the best love ballads of all-times.
A Love Song Between A Man And His Horse!

Now, let me give you some real context. A male country artist (in the 70s) can write a song about his love for a pony, and become a successful hit! I can’t even remember anywhere in time, any American has a song about any animal (not even a dog, and Americans love dogs) and became a massive hit ?! I don’t believe this could be done today, even with the most ardent country music fans.
His Song Made High Scores On The Billboard!
Murphey’s song “Wildfire (1975),” hit #1 in Canada. In the U.S., it hit #1 on Easy Listening, and #3 on the Top 100 Charts. It’s still a beautiful song tho. Very calming, as well as a beautiful story behind the lyrics. Murphy has had quite a few hit songs after “Wildfire.” About 11 Top 10 Hits to be exact. He also one a few awards for some of his albums. However, I’m sorry to say that I only loved “Wildfire.” Not that I thought his music was bad, I just wasn’t drawn to it. If I were to be honest, I think it probably was because he performs traditional country, whereas my country tastes are a little more modern than that. So, I can’t say he’s a “one hit wonder,” just only loved one song. Today, Mr. Murphey is around 75 years old.

Song: I Specialize In Love
Artist: Sharon Brown
Album: I Specialize In Love (1982) (2010) (Single)
Genre: Club Music
This was one of the many best dance mixes that came from the early 80s. Unfortunately, not only was this song the only song that registered on the charts, it was the only song she was remembered for. At least when it comes to those of us who were club heads back in the day. This was a real shame, as I’ve always felt she had a talented voice, she just never had any massive hits.
Only One Song Registered On The Billboard!
Although, “I Specialize In Love” was never on the Top 100 Chart’s radar, it managed to reach the 51st position in both Hot R&B and Club/Dance categories. #51 seems quite low to me, I heard this song all the time. Well, as I’ve always said, your neighborhood makes a difference!

According to some sources I’ve read, Sharon still seems to be performing. I can’t find how old she is now, but much to my surprise, it is said she’s been active since 1975. She is the daughter of William Brown, who is a professional drummer, and played for groups like The Isley Brothers. In addition to performing, she works with youths to help educate about gang violence in NYC.

Song: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
Artist: Bachman-Turner Overdrive
Album: Not Fragile (1974)
Genre: Branches Of Rock
I don’t think I’ve heard anything from this band for a really long time. Back in the day, I used to confuse Bachman-Turner Overdrive with The Steve Miller Band. Not really comparing these two, but there were certain rhythms in a couple of their songs that were extremely similar. Bachman-Turner Overdrive had many hits throughout their career, however, I only liked one song, and that was “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet.” This song was in heavy rotation on all the rock stations. In fact, it was also in a lot of commercials as well. Other than this song, I really wasn’t turned on by their music. The song hit #1 in Germany, New Zealand, Canada, US, and #2 in the UK.

Song: Magic
Artist: Pilot
Album: From The Album Of The Same Name (2009)(1974)
Genre: Branches Of Rock/World Music
I really don’t have a lot of things to say about this band from Scotland. Other than “Magic (1974),” was written by two original band members David Paton and Billy Lyall and struck massive gold. The song had pretty much did fantastic around the world! Unless you lived through that time, it’s hard to measure just how popular this song actually was. On the UK chart it reached #11 and American Billboard ranked them at #5.
Sadly, Pilot Became A One Hit Wonder ?.

The song was so popular that Selena Gomez did a cover of the song for the Disney Movie “Wizards of Waverly Place (2009).” Granted I know most kids in that age group don’t know anything about Pilot, but it was sure cool to hear some of music histories greatest songs. There is another song they’re well known for (I assume the UK), it’s called “January (1974).” However, this song wasn’t nearly as successful as “Magic.”

Song: You Sexy Thing
Artist: Hot Chocolate
Album: Hot Chocolate (1975)
Genre: Soul
Ok guys, I have to be honest. The only Hot Chocolate I liked actually came from Nestle! But when it came to the band, not so much. Unfortunately, despite having several hits under their belt, I have to put them in my “one hit wonder section.” Simply because for whatever reason, I wasn’t attracted to their music. I don’t know what it was. Their style, their voice, the equipment they’ve used? It just sounded like most of the music I’ve listened to them all sounded like cheap karaoke songs. I hate karaoke music, especially since most of us had to pay for our music back then.
Unfortunately, I Had To Place Them In My One Hit Wonder Section!

The only song throughout their entire career I felt was solid (in my opinion), and it also turned out to be their biggest hit of their career (numbers wise), was called “You Sexy Thing (1975).” The song shot up to #3 on the Top 100 Chart in 1976. This song played EVERYWHERE! And that included many commercials too. The only other song I somewhat had feelings for, was a 1973 cover they did from a band called Story. The song was called Brother Louie, from on their 1974 album called Cicero Park. I loved the Blaxploitation feel of the song. It’s a shame that it doesn’t appear anywhere on the charts. It was a decent reinterpretation. The group has changed a lot. Some have moved on, and others have died. Although the group is still performing to my understanding, they haven’t had a major hit since the late 70s.

Song: Love’s Train
Artist: Con Funk Shun
Album: The Best Of Con Funk Shun (1993)
Genre: Funk
Wow!! Blast from the past, for your nerves!!! Are those memory cells burning up yet? I hope so, because I’ve got limitless classics to share with my readers! I can’t keep up. Well, it’s been a really long time since I’ve heard anything from Con Funk Shun. Do you remember them? Man I used to love how they used to harmonize together. It was as tho they were born as septuplets, singing together in harmony. Although the word “Funk” is in their name, they actually made different types of music, ranging from funk to disco.
Although Funk Is In Their Name, They Sang Different Types Of Music
However, there was one romantic song that became my absolute favorite! That song was “Love’s Train (1982).” Now, I’m a bit surprised to find out that the song hit only #47 on the R&B charts. It’s hard for me to believe that because the song was so popular growing up. I heard it on the radio all the time! But, like I said before, this goes to show you, the stations you listen to back in the day unfortunately made a bit of a difference.

Now, despite the song reaching only #47 (which technically isn’t a horrible number in my opinion, just not recognized as a top hit), in terms of streaming, this song earned the most plays of all their other songs. And that even includes across several of their greatest hits albums. Over 5+ million plays “Love’s Train” received ya’ll! The second most popular hit was this funk dance tune called “Ffun (1977).” I hate to call Con Funk Shun a one hit wonder group (although I guess technically they are when it comes to stats), but they did make some good music. I guess the other truth of the matter is that their music was also very typical of the 80s, and a lot of bands like them were producing the same funk sounds.

Song: Come And Get Your Love
Artist: Redbone
Album: Come And Get Your Love (1973) (Single)
Genre: Rock
Maybe I’m wrong? Or maybe I’m right? But, I think I’ve shocked the shit out of my readers on this post! To those who are shocked, what did you think when I said that I love all kinds of music? What did you think I meant when I said that I am culturally diverse when it comes to music? If anything, I hope you’re visiting my blog to gain insight into great classic music that existed, and not simply scrolling down my posts until you see an artist you know. If you do, what’s the point of “discovery” if you’re not looking for it? I digress.
Their Massive One Hit Immortalized Them!
It is unfortunate that if today you’d ask an American contemporary rock fan, “who did they think was the best 70s rock band (or perhaps who did they think had the most popular song)?” Off the top of their head, what do you think would be the likelihood of them picking a Native American band? I would almost bet on zero. Although, I’m really not familiar with each individual band member’s heritage, my understanding is that most were mixed/descendants of a Mexican family tree. Thus, they’ve chosen to call themselves “Redbone,” a Cajun word meaning mixed race. Only 3 of 5 band members are still alive. Peter DePoe, Arturo Perez & Butch Rillera.

To simply say that their song “Come And Get Your Love” was a popular hit, would be a gross understatement in my opinion. The song peaked at #5 on the Hot 100 Charts in 1974. Now, even today, Spotify alone has this song at 132 million plays! And guys, that’s just this single! There are more plays because the same song is on different streaming albums. Do you realize how rare that is, to see a classic song streamed that much? A lot of the most popular classic artists don’t get streaming numbers like that! It really wouldn’t surprise me if we combined all the streaming services and include YouTube, and saw that they’ve amassed 600+ million streams. Seriously, this was a great song! I used to stop and listen to this on the radio all the time.

Song: Something About You
Artist: Level 42
Album: Level Best (1989)
Genre: Pop Music
Hi guys!! Do you guys remember Level 42? These guys had a couple of hits, however, as far as I’m concerned, they’re a one hit wonder (both in terms of American Billboard & as far as my personal taste goes). Level 42 is an English group from the UK. From my understanding they’re pretty popular in the UK. I wasn’t really in to their music tho. Unfortunately, when it comes to music from the UK, I can be extremely picky. Very few (relatively speaking) artists from the UK I can think of where I liked a LOT of their music.
They Were A One Hit Wonder, As Far As I Was Concerned!
I think their song “Something About You,” was one of the best UK crossovers that helped to close the end of another music decade. In 1986, the song peaked at #7 on the Top 100 Chart, and has became one of their most memorable songs. Now, there were a few other songs that made it on the billboard, however, from my understanding, they ranked better in the UK.

One example that did better in the UK, was their song called “Lesson In Love (1987).” The song peaked at #3 in the UK, however, it’s highest reach in the US was #12 on the Top 100. I was actually quite surprised how popular this song was in the states, I really never cared for this at all. Although technically their music is pop, at the same time, a lot of pop music from the UK sounds almost like a genre of it’s own. Listening to many groups from (then) the United Kingdom, were almost like listen to an eighties soundtrack similar to “Flashdance” type movies. ? By the way, please checkout this acoustic version of “Something About You,” it’s really really nice! I like that one.

Song: Come Into My Life
Artist: Joyce Sims
Album: The Best Of Joyce Sims (2010)
Genre: Dance Music
WOWOWOWOW!!! Talk about old school! Talk about nostalgia!!! And talk about the now obscure! You know, maybe my readers might be tired of me saying this, but……. Damn! It’s really a shame that great artist like her are allowed to literally fall in to obscurity! It’s just not right! Where are all those that claim “they’re into all kinds of music?” What a bunch of bullshitters! That’s what they are. ? I laugh, but, it’s sad, for real.
This Song Was So Popular, At Times It Felt Like A Joyce Sims Marathon On The Radio!
Let me tell you guys something. Her song “Come Into My Life” was such a hit in the 80s! At one time it felt like various radio stations literally had a Joyce Sims Marathon, almost on that one song! In 1987, “Come Into My Life” hit #10 on the R&B US Charts, and #7 on the U.K. Charts. The entire album itself reached #5 in the U.K. However, in the US, it only reached #22 on the R&B category. But, that’s alright, because her song had already made its fierce mark on music fans everywhere.

It was hard for me to categorize her music, because her style fluctuated quite a bit. There are times when she’s all about standard club music, then other times she leans more towards freestyle. Her strong soul vocals made her music sound very unique. Her music was something that we didn’t hear everyday, and in my opinion it was quite refreshing. I also remember one more very popular dance song she sang; however, it doesn’t seem like I can locate any stats on it right now. The song is called “All And All (1986).” Do you guys remember this song? Personally, I don’t think it was in the Top 10 range, however, I’m sure it registered somewhere on the American Billboard. Maybe in the range of #50(ish) (I’m guessing, but hell if I know LOL)

I’m sorry to say that in my opinion, her label did not make the best use of her talents. Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate the two hits she gave us, but at the same time (overall) the type of voice she had was best suited for traditional R&B. That’s just my opinion. I mean Listen to her greatest hits album, and compare that with her album called “All About Love LP (2008).” I think that, hands down, “All About Love” was a much better album. Now, I do acknowledge that this album is still “freestyle(ish),” but the beats and tempo has changed to sound more closer to R&B. Think so? I don’t know, that’s what I hear when I listen to it. There were no hits from this album, but, it was the best example I could think of. LOL.

Song: Love Is A Battlefield
Artist: Luke Evans
Album: At Last (2019)
Genre: Standards
Do you remember the incredibly handsome & gorgeous Luke Evans? He’s the guy I think is probably best known for “Dracula, Untold (2014),” and “Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug (2013).” I highly recommend both these movies, he’s a wonderful actor. He can practically play anything, and the movie winds up being a hit. Well!!!!! Let me tell you guys something! Not sure if any of my readers know about it, or have even been paying attention. This hunk of a man just came out with his first single a couple of days ago.
Actor Turned Singer? Hmmmm.
To be honest, I’m still feeling my way through his album. I guess if I’m taking this long to figure out whether I like it or not, it’s probably all that. Yet, it’s also true that I’ve only been familiar with him as an actor; so it could be an issue of trying to adjust. Immediately I’ve noticed that he’s got quite a bit of covers on his new album.

You know, now that I think about it… I think the one thing that appears to be throwing me off is the style of music on the album itself. Personally, without knowing anything about Luke’s tastes in music genres, I would have imagined his album would have been closer to either modern rock or pop music. However, after listening to his album, it definitely has a movie soundtrack feel to it. I’m not sure if this is the type of music he’s into, or this is what he was musically trained in.
The Album Has A Soundtrack Feel To It!
His cover of Pat Benatar’s “Love Is A Battlefield” sounds pretty good though. I honestly never thought that it could be possible that a man would pull that off! Thank goodness he changed the tempo of the cover; I think it would have sounded really bad (given the texture of his voice) trying to keep up with the way Pat Benatar sang it.

My least favorite on this album is his cover of Etta James’s hit “At Last.” You know, in my opinion, this is a very delicate song. Not everyone can sing this song, it’s very difficult. I didn’t even liked the way BeyoncĂ© sang it!! Sorry gay people, I’m over 50, it should be expected that I’m not gonna like many redoes made by much younger artists. For real, he should have left this song alone. This album is definitely an acquired taste. It’s not a bad album, on the other hand, a certain crowd will gravitate toward this album. I have a funny feeling I’m gonna enjoy him more as an actor than a singer. One thing’s for sure, if his album flops, he has his acting career to fallback on.

Song: That’s Amore
Artist: Dean Martin
Album: Dean Martin: The Capital Recordings, Vol. 4 (1954)
Genre: Jazz Vocalist
I’ve never considered myself a Dean Martin fan at all. I thought to myself, I think I only ever liked one song from him. However, as I quickly skimmed through some research notes, I remembered 2 more songs he sang I’ve enjoyed as a kid. I still don’t favor him, at least not enough to listen to him on a regular basis. Dean had one of those Bing Crosby type of music and voice that I just didn’t connect with.
Dean’s Music Was An Acquired Taste.
Honestly, I think the only reason why I enjoyed “That’s Amore,” was because it had an addictive catchy tune, and it reminded me of Bugs Bunny cartoons. ? If it doesn’t remind you of some cartoon from back in the day; it will make you feel you’re having dinner with a huge Italian family! I’m just giving you a forward warning, once you listen to this song, it will be ringing in your head for a day or two! It’s that catchy! LOL It’s crazy that this tune did not register anywhere on the Top 100 Charts! Holy cow!

How funny is it that the song I considered to be one of his most boring songs, “Everybody Loves Somebody,” hit #1 in 1964! Eeerrr, the song is OK, but, I really have to be in the mood to listen to that. Don’t recommend listening to it if you’re depressed on any given day ?. The second, and only song I ever liked from Dean Martin (other than “That’s Amore”) was a song called “Volare” which peaked at #15 in 1958. All his other songs will put you to sleep! LOL Sorry! Even as an actor, I didn’t really like him. The ONLY reason I would watch a movie with him in it, was unless Jerry Lewis was in it. And even then, I didn’t like him that much because Jerry was almost always the brunt of his jokes. The “Dean & Lewis” scripts was specifically crafted to make Dean look good. It was quite obvious, and it was a turn off to me. ?

Song: Baby, Now That I’ve Found You
Artist: Alison Krauss & Union Station
Album: Live (2003)
Genre: Country
I don’t remember if I shared with my readers, the fact that I hate most live records. I just don’t think a great deal of them were produced well. Then again, someone can make a legitimate argument that “well, you haven’t heard every live album!” Although that would be a true statement; but at the same time, I’m also one of the very few people on this planet that can say, I’ve heard enough variety of music throughout my life that, I can say there are really only a few live records that exist that are really good (relatively speaking).
I Really Liked How She Performed This Song!
Now, I must admit, although I love country music, I wasn’t interested in her music. Actually, her music appears to lean towards a specific kind of country music called “Blue Grass,” or what I used to call “hillbilly music. That was the other genre I hated just as much as heavy metal. ? The featured song today is actually a cover from the group called “The Foundations.” A very popular song hit #11 on the Top 100 Charts in 1968. Unfortunately Alison never had any Top 10 or a number one hits. In fact, this cover wasn’t anywhere on the charts. However, I really, really liked how she performed this song. That’s a shame ’cause she truly did a wonderful job. She literally converted this rock song in to a beautiful romantic ballad.

Song: Too Blind To See It
Artist: Kym Sims
Album: Too Blind To See It (1992)
Genre: Club
You know what? I don’t think I even have to ask, I KNOW that most of you dance queens (and kings) completely forgotten about this artist. In my opinion, as far as dance music is concern, this song is really obscure. It’s been decades since I’ve heard this song on any radio. Damn! Twenty six years ago this song was released! Can you believe it? Sometimes it still feels like only yesterday to me.
This Song Was #1 In All Dance Clubs!
Everybody loved this song. It was in heavy rotation, inside both straight (perhaps in more Latino clubs more so) and gay dance clubs. Although it only reached #38 on the Hot 100 Charts, it didn’t matter, because it shot up to #1 on the Dance Singles Chart, and stayed their for about a week. That digital keyboard organ sound some how gave its uniqueness I think. We didn’t hear that many club music using digital organ sounds. Although, I’m sure there are those who’d disagree, because it’s easy to just shove this song in the synth dance category. Technically they’d by right. However, synth dance music had a distinct sound back then. I just can’t put this song in that same category.
Alibris has over 175 million books!
Song: Hello, It’s Me
Artist: Todd Rundgren
Album: Something/Anything? (1972)
Genre: Pop
Do you remember this guy? Todd Rundgren’s music really isn’t obscure (I don’t think), but relative to today’s masses, he’s unheard of. Although he performed many different genres, so far the ones I found worth listening has been his pop songs. He started his career in the mid seventies, and has been known for his outrageous/unconventional wardrobe. Now, I don’t know, I always thought that his music required a certain taste. But, much to my surprise, it appears that a LOT of people love his music! For me, I only loved one song he has written. And that song was “Hello It’s Me,” from his 1972 album “Something/Anything?.” The song hit #5 on the Top 1000 Charts. I played this song so much back in the day, it wasn’t even funny. I was barely 5 years old when this song came out. What the hell was it about the song I loved so much? I thought perhaps it was the arrangements of the synthesizers; or perhaps his voice. Till this day, I still can’ figure out why only this song, and not none of his other works? I should have put him in the “one hit wonder” category, but this may or may not be exactly true. Check out this remix of “Hello, It’s Me,” I found by Philip Steir. Two years later, in 1974, the legendary Isley Brothers performed a cover of “Hello, It’s Me.” It’s a shame that the Isley’s cover didn’t appear anywhere on the Billboard’s 100/200 charts. I loved their version too.

Song: Dancin’ The Night Away
Artist: Voggue
Album: Dancin’ The Night Away (1981)
Genre: Disco
I wasn’t planning on blogging today, but I just had to share with you guys this obscure disco gem! This song right here!!!! ? Is one of my top ultimate favorite disco songs ever!! I think this is one of those rare disco songs that is both beautiful and elegant at the some time. I don’t recall feeling that way about any other disco song I’ve heard around that era. Each time I hear this song, it literally thrusts me back in to the 80s. Actually, this song could also be thought of as a bridge to the next decade, because this song is just as much mid 70s as it is it was 80s! Not only did “Dancin’ The Night Away” hit #1 on the Top 100 Charts, it stayed number one for 3 consecutive weeks! I know a good song when I hear one. ?
I Was Elated When I Heard This Song Recently!
Almost nothing is written about this singing duo. Voggue consisted of two Canadian women named Chantal Condor, and Angela Songui. Unfortunately they only made about two albums in their career together before they broke up. Not sure what was the reason for that (unless they weren’t actually a group, but more of a temporary project). I’ve written before, how a lot of labels did this in the seventies. I’m going to assume that for many labels, disco may have been very experimental, and simply wanted to see how well the label would do in said genre.

Another amazing song from this album was “Roller Boogie.” This song is a little more fast paced, if it were not for the bridge, it would have been practically all instrumental. Every time I hear this songs, it reminds me of being inside one of those HUGE roller skating rings we used to have in NYC. Both guys and girls wearing white shorts w/ red stripes that were so high up in their crotch. How do I know this? ? I remember being taken by family members, between the ages of 10-12. I’m not sure if many of these skating rings exist anymore. These two songs unfortunately were the only things on this album worth listening too.

Song: Safe And Sound
Artist: Capital Cities
Album: In A Tidal Wave Of Mystery (2013)
Genre: Alternative Music
I love this song so much when it came out. One of the main things that attracted me to this piece, was the clear 80s energy that was definitely present in this song. Yet, it felt so familiar to me. So much so, that at times when I listen to this song I often felt like I had “DĂ©jĂ Vu.” I searched all over to see if this was a remake, or if there was another song “Capital Cities” sampled from. So far, I couldn’t find any. So weird guys.. ? The song did very well all over the world, and in many different categories. In the U.S., it peaked at #8 on the Hot 100 Charts, & #1 on “Alternative Songs” Billboard.

Song: Juicy Fruit
Artist: Mtune
Album: Juicy Fruit (1983)
Genre: Groove
I don’t remember if I’ve written about them on my old blog, but.. Oh well. With so much music out here, it’s humanly impossible to keep track of everything ?. Growing up, the song “Juicy Fruit,” was one of those must have songs in every barbecue, or every other major Black “get together.” I loved this song. It was unique. It wasn’t fast enough to be a dance club song, but it wasn’t slow enough to be considered a romantic love song. It was smack right in between. The song only reached #45 on the Hot 100 Chart; but hit #1 on the R&B charts; and stayed there for 8 weeks! Awh, charts can be so misleading. By the way, this song was so popular, I read last year that James Mtune sued Sony for the music rights to “Juicy Fruit?” Read it here. The group had other hits, however, “Juicy Fruit” remains my ultimate favorite by them.
James Mtune Sues Sony For The Rights to “Juicy Fruit.”
It was kind of an interesting read that he’s suing Sony. Not that I don’t he has the right to; but from what I can tell, after the group recorded about two albums, they haven’t been active since the mid 80’s. Maybe there’s a hope of a “reboot’ of the song? You know, in many ways, a lot of their songs kind of reminds me of a group called “Parliament,” not sure if my readers are old enough to remember that group. Mtune also had a #2 hit on the R&B charts called “You, Me and He,” which a lot of people liked but….. I personally didn’t care too much for it.

Song: Don’t You Want Me
Artist: The Human League
Album: Dare (1981)
Genre: Pop Music
I’m not sure if I can call this UK group obscure, but damn! Is this song old! ? This song not only hit #1, it stayed #1 for a total of three weeks before it slowly started to dropped. This song was my sh*t back in the day. It was a massively popular, fun and a danceable tune. They also had another #1 hit in 1986 called “Human.” I absolutely loved this song too. It was almost like a romantic pop song (if there is a such thing). These two songs were their only cemented international hits in history.

You know, at first impression, looking at a photo of these two guys I’d bet most people don’t think much. You’d probably think that these were the typical 70s men who loved to go to bars and drink all night. However, England Dan & John Ford Coley are musicians who managed to produce one of the most popular romantic songs of the 70s! I can’t exactly call them a “one hit wonder,” but, unfortunately, there was only one song I liked, and it became one of my most favorite easy listening songs!

That song was called “I’d Really Love To See You Tonight (1976),” which shot up to #2 on the Top 100 Charts. Now, as I’ve said, they’ve managed to produce several other hits such as, “We’ll Never Have To Say Goodbye Again (1978),” and “Love Is The Answer (1979).” But, hands don’t “I’d Really Love To See You Tonight,” is what they’re remembered for (at least those of us who are old enough to remember). England Dan passed away at the age of 61.
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