Song: Too Blind To See It
Artist: Kym Sims
Album: Too Blind To See It (1992)
Genre: Club
You know what? I don’t think I even have to ask, I KNOW that most of you dance queens (and kings) completely forgotten about this artist. In my opinion, as far as dance music is concern, this song is really obscure. It’s been decades since I’ve heard this song on any radio. Damn! Twenty six years ago this song was released! Can you believe it? Sometimes it still feels like only yesterday to me.
This Song Was #1 In All Dance Clubs!
Everybody loved this song. It was in heavy rotation, inside both straight (perhaps in more Latino clubs more so) and gay dance clubs. Although it only reached #38 on the Hot 100 Charts, it didn’t matter, because it shot up to #1 on the Dance Singles Chart, and stayed their for about a week. That digital keyboard organ sound some how gave its uniqueness I think. We didn’t hear that many club music using digital organ sounds. Although, I’m sure there are those who’d disagree, because it’s easy to just shove this song in the synth dance category. Technically they’d by right. However, synth dance music had a distinct sound back then. I just can’t put this song in that same category.
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