Classic Funk A Lost Art
Of course, this is my funk section. Anything from James Brown to George Clinton, to Ohio Players! This was how Black folk grooved back in the day.

Song: I’ll Take You There
Artist: The Staple Singers!
Album: Staple Singers, Very Best (2007)(1972)
Genre: Funk/Groove
I have to be honest, I didn’t listen to a whole lot of music from the Staple Singers (at least their earlier music anyway). I don’t think there was any particular reason for it (I think). Then again, when my elders played any sort of christian music, it tend to be more traditional music, whereas the Staple Singers’ music seemed more secular. Come to think about it, even @ the beginning of their early music carrier, some people may say it’s gospel, but a lot of the music I heard were more borderline hint of rock music. Almost comparable to a softer version of what Fats Domino would perform. That was a no no for many christian folk when I was growing up.
Their Music Commanded Your Attention!

Unfortunately, because I wasn’t really into a whole lot of christian music growing up, I really don’t have a feel for the scope of their success in the christian world. However, I would imagine they were pretty huge, because in the secular music world, they exploded like a megaton bomb! They would later produce songs with heavy funky beats that would not be ignored! There biggest hit that I remember growing up was a song called “I’ll Take You There (1972).” Fifty years after it’s vinyl release, and into the age of streaming, on Spotify alone they’ve racked up over 83 million plays. In my opinion, that is huge, especially since we’re in an age of short-term memory.
No Doubt, Their Music Has Immortalized Them, Even By Non-christians!

I mean, you either never heard their music before (if that’s possible), but remember their name; or you hear their music and get a rush of nostalgia! There’s just no way you can hear “I’ll Take You There,” and not get an urge to move your body. Even if you don’t like to dance, you will move your body just because of the sheer fact that the song played a major part of our history. At the Cash Box, R&B Chart, & Hot 100, all at #1 placement. In South Africa, the song reached #7. It is incredibly rare that a song hits #1 in so many categories. A christian song at that. Very rare indeed.
They’ve Also Produced A Hit Song To A Soundtrack!

Another song I really loved by them was a song called “Let’s Do It Again (1975).” It was a soundtrack to the movie comedy “Let’s Do It Again,” starring Sidney Poitier, Bill Cosby, and Jimmy Walker. I was actually taken back by this song. When I listened to the lyrics and compared them to their other music, I would have never expected them to perform something like this. Both songs are super super secular. Another huge favorite of mine was “Respect Yourself (1971).” I loved songs like these growing up, because even back then, we knew the powerful effects that music had in our lives. If Black artists wanted to give a reminder to their fans about certain negative behaviors in our community, or just share political awareness, the best way to do it is put it in our music! “Respect Yourself” reached #2 on the R&B chart, and #12 on the Top 100.

Song: Freak-A-Zoid
Artist: Midnight Star
Album: No Parking On The Dance Floor (1983)
Genre: Funk/Synth
? I can’t stop laughing at this album cover! It’s like watching one of those old 70s magazine ads for wigs! ? You gotta love the eighties! We’ve done some crazy stuff to ourselves in the name of “style,” yet in reality all we did was copy other people. We may not want to admit it, but many Black styles from the eighties WERE in fact inspired by Prince (for the most part). It’s so weird because listening to this type of music now, synth music, somehow sounds older than what it actually is for some reason. Is it me? Or perhaps I was listening to too much music! ?
Listening To Their Music Now Makes Me Feel So Ancient!

You know, now that I think about it, it must be that unique “space age sound” that indirectly makes it sound older. I mean, when I hear it, it kind of reminded of movies like the first Star Wars and earlier movies. Let me tell you, Midnight Star was a pretty huge 80s group back in the day. They sang all kinds of music, but I think it is safe to say that they’ve been best known for their almost disco infused dance music. Now, I’m having some trouble finding their information on Billboard. However, from what I can tell eyeballing the various streaming services, I estimate that the song “Midas Touch (1986)” was their biggest hit. The song was ok… Mind you, I didn’t hate it, it just wasn’t my favorite song by them.

In fact, I don’t remember hearing it a lot (at least in my neighborhood). The huge money maker for me was their song “Freak-A-Zoid (1983).” I absolutely loved this tune. Unfortunately, I don’t remember if this was a “barbecue favorite,” but I do remember a lot of people playing it. Although the lyrics were naughty, the overall song itself was an easy song to dance to for the whole family. Another song I enjoyed was their hit “No Parking (On The Dance Floor) (1983).” I really do feel that this classic group is worth searching for. Every member of that group can sing. Although they didn’t have many hits (relatively speaking), I think you’ll still enjoy some of their albums. It appears that they’re still performing. However, the last album I found was released in 2002.

Song: Strawberry Letter 23
Artist: The Brothers Johnson
Album: Right On Time (1977)
Genre: Funk/Disco
Wow! These guys were some talented brothers back in the day. This is another of many group that used to confuse me. The reason being, back in the day Ray Parker Jr. used to have a group called Raydio, and I perceived a couple of their songs had very similar styles to The Brothers Johnson (or vise verse). However, there was no doubt that The Brothers Johnson had their own brand and identity.
These Guys Were Pretty Popular In The 80s!

Although they’ve had quite a few big hits, I think most people remember them for “Strawberry Letter 23,” off their 1977 “Right On Time” album. The song hit #5 on the Top 100, and #1 on the R&B charts. What an odd name for a hit song tho. ? You also may be familiar with another huge hit of theirs called “I’ll Be Good To You (1976).” This song hit #3 on the Top 100 and #1 on the R&B charts. However, I think my second favorite was their hit called “Stomp (1980),” off their “light Up The Night” album. This was a big disco hit in many of the NYC clubs back in the day.

Unfortunately, I was shocked to read that Louis E Johnson recently passed away about 5 years ago. He was 60 years old. I also learned that Louis was responsible for laying down that sick baseline we heard in Michael Jackson’s cult classic “Billie Jean.” I always seem to find out about these amazing things after these celebrities die. We’ve lost a legend indeed!

Song: Love’s Train
Artist: Con Funk Shun
Album: The Best Of Con Funk Shun (1993)
Genre: Funk
Wow!! Blast from the past, for your nerves!!! Are those memory cells burning up yet? I hope so, because I’ve got limitless classics to share with my readers! I can’t keep up. Well, it’s been a really long time since I’ve heard anything from Con Funk Shun. Do you remember them? Man I used to love how they used to harmonize together. It was as tho they were born as septuplets, singing together in harmony. Although the word “Funk” is in their name, they actually made different types of music, ranging from funk to disco.
Although Funk Is In Their Name, They Sang Different Types Of Music
However, there was one romantic song that became my absolute favorite! That song was “Love’s Train (1982).” Now, I’m a bit surprised to find out that the song hit only #47 on the R&B charts. It’s hard for me to believe that because the song was so popular growing up. I heard it on the radio all the time! But, like I said before, this goes to show you, the stations you listen to back in the day unfortunately made a bit of a difference.

Now, despite the song reaching only #47 (which technically isn’t a horrible number in my opinion, just not recognized as a top hit), in terms of streaming, this song earned the most plays of all their other songs. And that even includes across several of their greatest hits albums. Over 5+ million plays “Love’s Train” received ya’ll! The second most popular hit was this funk dance tune called “Ffun (1977).” I hate to call Con Funk Shun a one hit wonder group (although I guess technically they are when it comes to stats), but they did make some good music. I guess the other truth of the matter is that their music was also very typical of the 80s, and a lot of bands like them were producing the same funk sounds.

Song: Play That Funky Music
Artist: Wild Cherry
Album: Wild Cherry (1976)
Genre: Funk
This is another perfect situation of just how important music streaming is (at least those little of us who still value music history). Depending on just how obscure a band or artist is, we may not be able to find a whole lot of information about said artist or band, but at least using amazing technologies such as Shazam (which many of you refuse to learn how to use), we can quickly know their names, and most times discover a picture now and then.
All Throughout My Childhood, I Thought This Group Was Black!
I know for a fact that many people think I’m an *sswhole for holding older parents accountable for not using streaming technology. Well, I really don’t give a sh*t, because it’s true. Because if you actually used some of these technologies, you’d quickly realize how important they are to our classic American music culture, that is currently dwindling away. I remember growing up, I’ve seen many family members and family friends have huge arguments about the identity of an artist. And back then, it was so difficult because so many artists were groomed to sound so much a like, it was easy to assume that a song was from one band, but in actuality the song is from another.

Just imagine, if growing up we had Shazam then?! It would have stopped arguments in it’s tracks! Not only that, no one would make bets as to who was who anymore either!! Although we were all broke, we had no business betting anyway! ? So, anyways, enough of my rants. It was unfortunate that “Play Thank Funky Music,” by Wild Cherry was the only hit of their entire career. The song hit #1 and stayed on the charts for 25 weeks. In my opinion, I think this was the best funk & rock infused song that came out of the 70s! They produced about 4 other songs that registered on the Music Billboards, however, they were very low ranking. I never really cared for them. I mean, that music was awesome, I just think the vocals were terribly over done. But out of those 4 poorly ranked songs, I think “Hold On,” from the same album, is the second only one worth listening to. The track peaked at #61 in 1977. This should have ranked much higher tho.

Song: Get Up And Dance
Artist: Freedom
Album: Best Of: Get Up And Dance (1979, 2007)
Genre: Funk/Disco
The story of this group is so sad. This was a group that created a funky disco song that was so popular back in the day. Now, the group known as “Freedom,” is so obscure, I struggle to even find photos of them. Growing up as a child, I remember “Get Up And Dance,” being one of the most favorite barbecue dance music in the Black community.
Caleb Tyrone Armstrong and Ray Smith Formed Their Group “Freedom.”
Caleb Tyrone Armstrong and Ray Smith met in college. Their friendship grew until eventually they decided to form “Freedom.” As with many famous artist, they started their career singing gospel until eventually they turned secular. When they finally got their record deal, “Get Up And Dance” was the first song off their first album in 1979. I’m unsure of the name of their first album tho.

Sadly, and tragically, by the time the group released their third album called “Changes Of Time,” in 1981, the lead singer, Joe Leslie, was killed. Shortly after Joe’s death, the group began to split apart. Unfortunately, I couldn’t obtain the numbers for all three albums. However, today’s feature album “The Best Of: Get Up And Dance,” supposedly has their best music. So far, in addition to “Get Up And Dance,” I also like “All For You,” and I think “Set You Free,” is nice also (has an Earth Wind & Fire style to it). These were great performers, stunned by a major tragedy.

Song: Loosey’s Rap
Artist: Rick James
Album: Wonderful (1988)
Genre: Funk
You know, after all these years, I didn’t even realize, or remembered that legendary rapper Roxanne Shante was on this record! Holy crap ?!! By the way, I saw her in person about a decade ago. Very very nice human being. She shared a lot of her personal stories, was very inspiring. You should watch her NetFlix documentary (if it’s still there). At the time of the “Wonderful” album release, it also took me a while to realize that the person singing was actually the late Rick James. When I heard the song for the first time on the radio, for a long time I really thought it was the band Cameo, trying to do something new. Back in the day, the one thing that was so annoying listening to the radio was, the dj didn’t always say the name of the artist. I guess sometimes it depends on the station you listened to. Advertisement/sponsors were more important than informing their listeners of the artist’s name.

This cute, Prince(ish) song called “Loosey’s Rap,” hit #1 on the Hot 100 Charts. I believe this was the only hit from this album. I used to love me some Rick James, but this was not his best album. I’m glad I only got the 45RPM single. In my opinion, I think the best album Rick James ever made, was his album called “Street Songs (1981),” Just about all his biggest hits are on that album. That included the massive smash hit ballad “Fire & Desire,” a duet with the late Teena Marie. They sure don’t make music like that anymore. Hey, did you know that (according to one of National Public Radio’s websites) a Rick James Museum is supposed to be in the works? I would have loved to see that. I do hope someone would be kind enough to post photos when it’s all complete.

Song: Walking In Rhythm
Artist: The Blackbyrds
Album: Greatest Hits (1989)
Genre: Funk
This was a badass group right there!! I loved a lot of their music!! This was another one of those groups where it is difficult to put them in any sort of category. There are so many different sounds and cultures within one song. Sometimes it’s funk mixed with African beats, sometimes R&B with touch of psychedelic, sometimes something crazy infused with disco. Indeed they were an eccentric group back in the day, and perhaps an acquired taste. The Blackbyrds are the kind of old school group, you’ll have to sift through their songs, like being in a vinyl store before you find some masterpieces.

However, the one thing we can say about this group is, these guys can sing! I can’t recall any group right now, that harmonized so well, while doing their type of music. In fact, a couple of their songs I’ve listened to reminded me very much of the O’Jays. If it were not for the fact that The Blackbyrds’s music was so different, I could easily mistaken them.
The Blackbyrds Knew How To Harmonize
A perfect example of their vocal skills, was their hit song “Walking In Rhythm (1975).” This was one of my FAVORITE R&B, disco infused song. I used to dance my ass off as a kid. I was only 8 years old when this song came out. It hit #6 on the Top 100 Chart, and #4 on the R&B chart. I’m sorry, that song should have been number one; I can’t think of any song that was more rhythmic and danceable from that year.

There are a few songs from the Blackbyrds I recommend taking a listen to. “Rock Creek Park (1976),” is another dance groove song I think you’d enjoy. Sadly it only peaked at #93 on the Top 100; and #37 on the R&B Chart; but, screw that Billboard, that song is still hot in my opinion. Moving up to something a little more recent, they have an album called “Gotta Fly (2012).” There’s a soft house mix I really like called “No Stopping,” you should check out. With the exception of “No Stopping,” the album is mostly geared towards modern jazz. It’s a pretty good album, and very relevant in my opinion. Check out “Ride,” they almost got that “Kool & The Gang” sound goin’ on. By the way, looks like they’ve added a female to the group? Her name is Theresa Hall. I’m having trouble figuring out if she’s a new member, or just a guest on the album. Hmmm Whoever she is, she sounds good.

Song: Do Your Thing
Artist: The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band
Album: Together (1968)
Genre: Funk
Ok, I’m really taking it back now! A guy by the name of Charles Wright had an awesome band called “The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band!” What a hell of a long name right? The bulk of their music has been mostly funk, and perhaps a little bit of R&B. I liked a lot of their music growing up. Unfortunately, I’m having trouble finding Billboard information on their music. However, I remember two of their major hits that were burning up the radio stations. The first was a song called “Do Your Thing (1968).” This song was the bomb back in the day. It was hilarious to see adults get down to this song. I mean to watch my elders dance to the point they were down on the floor was a sight to see. This was a song that pretty much allowed you to dance in anyway you like, and not feel awkward or out of place. Simple and steady beats allowed everyone from any age to dance to its music. The second song was called “Express Yourself (1970).” Again, I’m having trouble finding chart information, but from what I remember as a child, it seems that “Do Your Thing” was the biggest hit of their career. Ah, the good ol’ days.

Song: Pick Up The Pieces
Artist: Average White Band
Album: Average White Band (1975)
Genre: Funk
Let me tell you…. This was no ordinary Average White Band ? ?. These guys had more funk and soulful feeling in their music, than any other blue-eyed soul band I can think of at the moment. I mean, when I was a kid, I thought they were all Black when I was listening to their music. Actually, I dare to say they’re probably more diverse as a group than “Heatwave.” They really made some good music back in the day. Having said that, once again, I am blown away about the low ranking for their (arguably the most popular) songs “Pick Up The Pieces.” When it came to groove music, this hit the spot. This became another “must have” in many barbecue gatherings when I was growing up. Yet it only reached #45 in Adult Contemporary. WTF??? ? BTW, I couldn’t resist in thinking, if this band would have came out today, the politically extreme left would have crucified the band for their chosen name.
AU: Shop Women’s Fashion at Bally!
Song: Do It ‘Till You’re Satisfied
Artist: B.T. Express
Album: Do It (‘Till You’re Satisfied) (1974)
Genre: Funk
I can say with absolute certainty, that this song was of the biggest and most popular songs of the seventies! “Do It ‘Till You’re Satisfied,” was #1 on the R&B Charts, #2 on the Top 100 Charts, and the album itself became #1 by February 1974. It’s mind blowing how a group that was as massively popular as they were, has been completely removed from the memories of most. Another massive hit from the same album, was a song called “Express.” “Express” was more of a instrumental disco infused funk piece. It had a very catchy tune, and it was almost immediately recognizable the minute we heard it.”Express” also hit #1 on the R&B Charts, and was #4 on the Top 100 Charts. Little by little members broke off to start their own ventures. Eventually the group officially disbanded around the very late 1980s.

Not sure if many of my blog fans remember an old group called “The New Birth?” (Not to be confused with “New Birth Brass Band”) They were a funk & R&B band from Detroit. This was a gigantic band back in the day. They probably were about the same size (in numbers) if not larger than Earth Wind & Fire. Ha! Those days of big bands and BoysIIMen performers are gone. Your group would have to be pretty spectacular for any label to sign a group of equal size.

I have to say that although I was not turned on by most of their music, that’s not to say that they weren’t a talented group. I wouldn’t hold them under the same candle as Earth, Wind, & Fire, but they were good! They’ve made more than several albums throughout their career, and managed to produce 3 top 10 hits. Their first song to hit #1 was a song called “Dream Merchant (1975).” #4th position was “I Can Understand It (1975).” Their 3rd top 10 hit was ok “It’s Been A Long Time (1974),” which peaked at #9. Unfortunately, I wasn’t particularly drawn to those songs despite being huge hits.

However, that changed when I heard a cover they did of one of my absolute favorite songs by Perry Como, “It’s Impossible.” It’s Impossible only reached #12 on the Hot R&B Charts in 1971. You know, even if you didn’t like that kind of music, the lyrics to this song is absolutely the sweetest I’ve ever heard. Also check out their cover of Michael Jackson’s “Never Can Say Goodbye (1971).” Lastly, listen to their cover of Hamilton, Joe Frank, & Reynolds’s classic “Fallin’ In Love (1976).” I guess it appears that all the songs I love from them, were all covers.
Save up to 30%. See what’s on sale!You know, usually, we can make a reasonable assumption that just about anything we think of can be found on the net. However, this is one of those rare cases were virtually no biographical text appears to be available anywhere on cyberspace on this group. I don’t mean to beat a dead horse….. But…. We’re loosing our history! It’s pretty frustrating when I can’t fulfill my responsibilities as a classic blogger, because I am unable to find proper resources. The Family’s Do The Robot, should have been on The Billboards at least. Anyway……
Many Aliases Of MFSB
The best information, or should I say clue about the group called “The Family,” as that the name was one of many aliases of MFSB (Mother, Father, Sister, Brother). I’m guessing that the names must have changed, as the group members changed. As I remember it, the band wasn’t really a “group,” but a project. So, it’s entirely possible that “The Family,” (not to be confused with “Sly and The Family Stone”) did not do well on the charts overall, and decided to change the name of their group project, to reflect the change in music.
During The Dance Craze
Unfortunately Spotify doesn’t have this song, but I still wanted to share it with you guys because it was one of my memories growing up. Although I didn’t see any Billboard information, I remembered this to be very popular, and it was released during the dance craze years. Just to clarify to my younger readers, when I say “Dance Craze,” I don’t mean we never really danced before. The meaning of “dance craze,” for me is when an artist/band creates their own dance, gives it a name, and associates a song to that new dance. That’s the difference between a “dance craze,” and “dance music.” Check out Do The Robot On YouTube!
Wow! When I tell you this band was HUGE! I do mean HUGE! Another forgotten band that is worthy of remembering, especially if you’re a fan of funk music. In fact, in my opinion they were the kings of funk; their music was similar to Parliament. Although the Ohio Players had many more hits. In addition to probably being most remembered for their risque album covers; they’re also remembered for one of their biggest hits of their career. The song is called “Fire,” released in 1975. “Fire” hit #1 and stayed there for one week. I saw a lot of my family’s friends had this very album in their collection!
Another huge Ohio Players hit was “Love Rollercoaster,” this song also hit #1 and stayed there for an entire week, and it too was released in 1975. This became one of those barbecue/cook out songs back in the day. Oh, I can’t forget about “Skin Tight,” released in 1974, and reached #13th on the charts. There’s one last song I want you guys to listen to, the song is called “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow” from their “Observation In Time” album, released in 1969. I really loved this song, and I was quite surprised not to see it in the charts. Interesting that this was more of a soul album, and it appeared when they changed to their iconic funk sound, their career exploded.
Marva Whitney was a funk legend back in the day. She was a protege of the late James Brown. Actually James Brown had many proteges, however, vocally speaking, she was the best female performer he ever took under his wing (in my opinion). Her voice was truly a force to be recon with. Not to say that other female performers such as Lyn Collins did not kick-ass; but let’s put it this way, when you hear Marva perform she’s almost like an alpha female on stage! She means business when she sings, and she expects you to listen with urgency ? He biggest hit “It’s My Thing,” released in 1969 was so popular, I was stunned to learn it only reached #82 on the Top 100 Charts. Actually, more than stunned. Marva was so fierce, they used to call her “Soul Sister Number One.” Many artists like DJ Kool used to sample her music. Unfortunately, Marva died in 2012 as a result of complications with pneumonia.