Soft Rock

I thought it would be a great idea to share interesting live streaming stations. Depending on your taste in music, it can be pretty difficult to find stations that have the type of music you like. There are literally several hundred thousand internet radio stations, not including services such as SiriusXM radio or Live365. Perhaps it’s just easier to learn new music from your friends, or just let your favorite app just pick songs for you in a playlist. But, as I’ve said before, it a good idea to use different sources and streaming services, as each one has different algorithms that help you to find/explore new music based on your listening habits. Checkout this station called “The Seagull.” They play mostly classic rock. Enjoy.

I wasn’t a heavy KISS fan growing up, only because I didn’t have a strong emotional connection to hard-rock. However, like most musicophiles like me, there are always at least one or two songs from a least favorite artist that really stands out, and grabs our attention. The song “New York Groove” has had done it for me (or at least one of several of their songs). Most of the songs I like from them are songs I don’t directly interpret as rock (such as this one). “New York Groove,” is one of those complicated songs were I can’t hear a dominant genre. Sometimes I hear pop, and other times I almost think I hear country. In fact, sometimes I forget that this song was song by KISS, because it reminds me so much of Freddy Mercury of Queen. Check the song out, it’s a fun song and I think you’ll enjoy it. It was #9 in the U.K. and #13 in the U.S. Billboard HOT 100 chart.

Song: An Old Fashioned Love Song
Artist: Three Dog Night
Album: Celebrate TTDN Story 1965-1975
Genre: Soft Rock
Unless your preferred music listening has always been rock, you most likely forgot about this group, or never heard of them at all. I don’t think they’re necessarily an obscured band, but I definitely think so among general music fans (especially 30 and younger). When I look at their streaming numbers, relatively speaking they’re not really that high. However, this doesn’t mean they didn’t do great music in the rock genre. To be honest, I hadn’t listened to their music for a really longtime. There are so much great classic music that exist, neglect of our old favorite classics is just bound to happen. It wasn’t until I started lookin’, that I actually realized how many songs they’ve done that turned out to be some of my favorites.
If There Is A Such Thing As Quality Rock Music

You know, I still don’t consider myself a “rock expert.” However, I’ve always said to myself, if there is a such thing as “quality rock music,” I think Three Dog Night’s name would be on that list. They’re one of the very few rock bands that create real love songs that actually borderline between soft and hard rock. I can’t think of too many bands that make these kinds of music. Surprisingly, one of my most favorite songs by them was one of the least played on music streaming. “An Old Fashioned Love Song,” for some reason was one of my favorites. Thinking back, the song sort of reminded me of one of those early eighties travel commercials. You know, one of those vacation resorts ?. However, their biggest hit of their career was actually a song called “Joy To The World.” You know, I still couldn’t figure out the meaning of this song. I think what threw me off was the title. It automatically sends a message that this is a xtian song, but it’s not. Perhaps the lyrics in the song were cryptic. Then again, maybe it was just one of those quicky songs where random sentences were put together. We had a lot of those in the 70s & 80s. America’s “Horse With No Name,” was another annoying song I couldn’t figure out. WTF?? Anywayz…… Although I can’t figure out what the hell the song meant, it had an awesome tune that made it popular.
Joy To The World – The Lyrics Didn’t Make Sense To Me!

Throughout the band’s existence, they’ve gone through a heavy turnaround rate. It’s amazing how many members they’ve gone through, and yet they still managed to pump out hits. Today, the band is unrecognizable. If it were not for their brand name, and the consistency in their music, I wonder if they’d still have that faithful fan base? Checkout some of their other awesome hits. Such as, “Mama Told Me (Not To Come),” “One” (I always mistaken “One,” for a Beatles song), and “Black and White.” Lastly, I want you guys to check out a cover that was first made popular by Otis Redding. It’s called “Try A Little Tenderness.” Wow!! They sounded amazing! In my opinion, they tore this song up! I really appreciated that they kept Otis’s spirit in the song. Very nicely done for all you old Otis fans out there!

Song: Owner Of A Lonely Heart
Artist: Yes
Album: 90185 (Deluxe) (1983)
Genre: Rock
Well, today’s title should not be mistaken to mean “phenomenal,” I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to make a joke of this band’s name. YES. I know some heavy rock fans may hate me for this, but, this was not a favorite band of mine at all. Then again, I’ve also said many times before, rock music was never a significant genre I played a whole lot of. Although, I didn’t particularly care for their music at all, they produced one massive hit that became my one and only favorite by them.
There Was Only One Major Hit As Far As I’m Concerned!!!

This song was huge enough that I’m sure even the most mediocre music lover has heard of. The song was called “Owner Of A Lonely Heart.” The song reached #1 in America, and remains to be their biggest hit here. I should mention that they do have several hits under their belt, they’re just not in my taste. Songs such as “RoundAbout (1972),” and “I’ve Seen All Good People (1981).” Maybe I should also mention that this group comes out of the England/UK. I’ve always been really particular with music that comes from the UK. I like UK music almost as little as I enjoy rock music (in general). You know, I always used to get confused when I heard “Owner Of A Lonely Heart” on the radio back in the day, because this particular song reminded me so much of “The Police.” It sounds very much like the kinds of music The Police would do.

Song: I’m Not In Love
Artist: 10cc
Album: The Original Soundtrack (1975)
Genre: Easy Listening
The group 10cc is probably the biggest rock group of my time (in my opinion). Although they’ve been officially categorized as a rock group, their biggest hits of all time (with the exception of one) are technically in the real of easy listening. If you were into rock music, their name was easy to remember, and music that was unmistakably their own. I’ve often wondered why did they pick 10cc as a group name. There were many different reports, but the last one I’ve read, producer Johnathan King it came to him in a dream. Not to stereotype artists but…. It was a fact that most 80s rockers lived a particular lifestyle, and I think their name more likely came from the drug lifestyle. I suppose we’ll never know the real reason (if any).
They’re One Of The Greatest Rock Groups Of My Time!

10cc has gone through a lot of changes during their 40+ year career. Members came and gone, on and off again relationships. However, during that time they’ve managed to keep their fans. They’re definitely loved practically all around the world. One of their biggest hits I’m in love with, is called “I’m Not In Love (1975).” The song hit #1 in UK, Canada & Ireland; #2 in the US, #3 in Australia. This was a very, very popular song. I haven’t heard anything that was composed like it before. It sort of makes you want to listen to it because it’s so unique. But it’s also a beautiful love song, about a many who loves a woman so much that he can’t get his thoughts straight. Very well written if you ask me.
Collectively Speaking, They’ve Crushed The Music Charts!!

Just to give you an idea as to how huge “I’m not in love” was, as of today Spotify has this at 150M plays, I’ve only looked through a couple of YouTube plays and I stopped around 20M. Shazams has about 2.5 discoveries. I can’t find anything on iTunes, but I’m confident the numbers are around (if not more) that of Spotify. The fact that we’re living in a streaming culture where it appears a significant majority abandon the classics….. That’s freakin’ huge! Then again, to be fair, there is no way we can measure the people who are still faithful to their vinyls and cassettes. Decades later after they’ve released this song, there is no question that music fans still love them.
After 45 Years, Fans Are Still Grooving To This Song!

Some other great songs on their hit list you might remember is “The Things We Do For Love (1977),” from their “Deceptive Bends” album. This song hit #1 in Canada, and #5 in the US. A really, really great song that depicted our culture in the late 70s. Unlike the United States, the UK still has a strong reggae culture there. Songs like “Dreadlock Holiday (1978),” hit #1 in UK, Belgium, Ireland, and Dutch. However, in America it only peaked at #44 on the Top 100 Chart. There’s another reggae song called “I Don’t Like Cricket (I Love It) (c.2015).” Unfortunately, I don’t see any chart information for this song, but I remember hearing it quite a few times. It’s a remake, but it’s a great song nevertheless.

Song: Playlist
Artist: Various
Album: Amazing Hits From 1977 (2020)
Genre: Various Pop Music
Coming at you with another diverse handpicked playlist. Lots and lots of great music we were exposed to during the year 1977; but only a fraction of those songs made it to my playlist! Oh, no! It wasn’t because I didn’t like the majority of them, it’s because I don’t believe in random song dumping!! You’re getting the best of my personal favorites from the year 1977, in an easily digestible playlist. As I was researching, I realized that 1977 seemed to have been a good year for Rock ‘N’ Roll music. Rock music that I actually liked! And I said before, I am very picky when it comes to rock music.
You know, 1977 Seemed To Have Been An Excellent Year For Rock Music!

A good example of some good rock ‘N’ roll hits that came out of 1977 was Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way.” The song peaked at #10 that year. Although the song was already a popular hit, I don’t think it really became more well known, until they hooked up with rap legends Run-DMC. It was a big deal, because Run-DMC became the first rap group to merge hip hop and rock. A year before, they had an even bigger hit I’m sure most of my readers remember, called “Dream On (1976)” that peaked at #6 on the Top 100 Chart. You know, a lot of people make fun of Steven Tyler’s looks. But, the fact of the matter is, that man has an exceptional voice that was made for rock music, and has pumped out a lot of hits for the band.
Run-DMC Was The First Rap Group To Merge Rock With Hip Hop!

The song “I Wanna Get Next To You,” by legendary band Rose Royce, in my opinion, is one of the most romantic and sexiest music that ever came from an all Black band. Back when I was growing up, we called this kind of music, “Baby Makin’ Music.” ? The song reached #10 on the Top 100. Yesssss!!! Surprise!! They’ve got other hits besides “Car Wash.” Although, it appears that their album “Car Wash,” seemed to be their one and only best album (comparatively speaking at least).
We Called It, Baby Makin’ Music Back In The Day!

Another great song I’ve added to this playlist is called “The Rubberband Man,” by the legendary group, The Spinners!! I’m not sure the hell why, but every time I heard this song, it always reminded me of The Harlem Globtrotters. The song has absolutely nothing to do with them, but I have no idea why my mind is associating this song to the legendary Harlem Globtrotters. Perhaps it was used during one of their games? Maybe, I don’t know ?. I loved The Spinners. They’ve had hits after hits, after hits. Highly recommend that you look up their music. I’ve chosen 20 amazing hits for this playlist. I do hope that it jars some memories for you guys. Enjoy!

Song: Assorted
Artist: Various
Album: Playlist – The Very Best Of 1984 (2020)
Genre: A Variety
It’s been quite awhile since I’ve made a playlist, huh? I think I need to make more of an effort to create them. Putting together a quality playlist can be just as much work as writing an article (believe it or not) ?. It takes a lot of thought, research, and knowing how to blend songs that go with one another. Anybody can copy and paste random stuff; but a bloggers playlist is the one you’re more then likely to enjoy. I’m not quite sure why I picked the year 1984 for today’s playlist. However, it happens to be one of the best years for memorable pop music. It’s funny, the 80s has made such an impact for many of us of this era, but I can’t even remember what I was doin’ when each of these songs came out.
Can You Remember What You Were Doin’ When These Songs Came Out?

Now that I think about it, in the 80s I considered myself a club kid. So, I can associate dance music with a club I might have went to back in the day (because I was physically there). For all other music genres, perhaps I was listening to them during mundane activities ?. Well, I didn’t realize there were a LOT of hits that came out of 1984. However, I had to narrow them down to 30 amazing songs in this playlist. Pretty mixed genres in this new playlist (you know how I do).
I Just Know That Most 80s Babies Will Love This Playlist!

So, let me talk a little bit about what’s on this playlist. One 1984 song that was an absolute must for this playlist, is a song by one of my most favorite 80s pop band. The Miami Sound Machine’s “Dr. Beat,” a wonderful mix of disco infused pop! By the way, did you know that Gloria Estafan has a new album coming out? She released a single for the album called “Cuando Hay Amor.” It is a Brazilian inspired album. According to an article I’ve found, the full album is expected to be released on August 13th. Another great song I have on this playlist is “Careless Whisper,” by the late George Michael. I’m telling you, with all the hits that man pumped out, I think “Careless Whisper” is the one song people will forever remember him by.
Side Note: Gloria Estefan Has A Brand New Album Coming Out Soon!

Then I have “It’s Raining Men,” by two vocal powerhouses called, The Weather Girls!” Marsha Wash, and the late Izora Armstead, were hot in the 80s. “It’s Raining Men,” was not only a great and fun song, it seemed to appeal to everyone! Whether you were young, old, gay, or straight, on any given day you can usually catch someone singing this song while walking down the street! Another favorite of mine on this list is a song from Elton John, it’s called “I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues.” You know, Elton is the only performer I can think of, that can turn a song that would normally be sad as hell, and make it upbeat and desirable to listen to. He truly has that gift of music. For more songs, click on my playlist above, and enjoy!!

Song: Every Time You Go Away
Artist: Paul Young
Album: The Secrets Of Association (1985)
Genre: Branches Of Rock
Not only was Paul Young’s “Every Time You Go Away,” one of my favorite songs by him, it turned out to be one of the biggest hits of the 80s! This song was HUGE! The song practically immortalized him. One things for sure, you may not remember his name immediately off the bat; but I think you’ll definitely remember his music when you hear it. Well, at least those of us who are at least 40(ish) and older. Now, I have to be honest, I can’t say I was a huge fan of his music in general. However, there were two songs he made that hit big, and pretty much those two were the only favorites of mine (including featured song).
He Only Had Two Top 10 Hits!

“Every Time You Go Away,” hit #1 in 1985 on the Top 100. The song stayed on the charts for about 22-23 weeks. I remember almost every radio station playing this song, and that included stations that were categorized as mostly “easy listening.” In my opinion, this was the perfect “coming of age” love song, yet adult enough to apply to anyone of any age. The second song I really liked from him was a song called “Oh Girl (1990).” Actually, this is a cover song originally sang by The Chi-Lites. Paul Young’s version reached #8 on the Top 100 Chart. This pretty much concludes all his hits. He did have two more songs that did ok, but the two I’ve mentioned earlier were his money makers, as well as most popular.

Song: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
Artist: Bachman-Turner Overdrive
Album: Not Fragile (1974)
Genre: Branches Of Rock
I don’t think I’ve heard anything from this band for a really long time. Back in the day, I used to confuse Bachman-Turner Overdrive with The Steve Miller Band. Not really comparing these two, but there were certain rhythms in a couple of their songs that were extremely similar. Bachman-Turner Overdrive had many hits throughout their career, however, I only liked one song, and that was “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet.” This song was in heavy rotation on all the rock stations. In fact, it was also in a lot of commercials as well. Other than this song, I really wasn’t turned on by their music. The song hit #1 in Germany, New Zealand, Canada, US, and #2 in the UK.

Song: Magic
Artist: Pilot
Album: From The Album Of The Same Name (2009)(1974)
Genre: Branches Of Rock/World Music
I really don’t have a lot of things to say about this band from Scotland. Other than “Magic (1974),” was written by two original band members David Paton and Billy Lyall and struck massive gold. The song had pretty much did fantastic around the world! Unless you lived through that time, it’s hard to measure just how popular this song actually was. On the UK chart it reached #11 and American Billboard ranked them at #5.
Sadly, Pilot Became A One Hit Wonder ?.

The song was so popular that Selena Gomez did a cover of the song for the Disney Movie “Wizards of Waverly Place (2009).” Granted I know most kids in that age group don’t know anything about Pilot, but it was sure cool to hear some of music histories greatest songs. There is another song they’re well known for (I assume the UK), it’s called “January (1974).” However, this song wasn’t nearly as successful as “Magic.”

Song: Oh Sherrie
Artist: Steve Perry
Album: Greatest Hits + 5 (1998)
Genre: Rock
Now, of course, many people are going to have different opinions about this, but just keep in mind that this is my own personal opinion. As both a blogger and a heavy music fan, when it comes to rock music, I feel that Steve Perry is one of the very few greatest rock voices that ever lived (at least in my generation). Steve has a voice that demands attention. I mean, the only other person I can think of, that has a voice powerful enough (and better even) could even dare challenge him, would have been the late Freddy Mercury of QUEEN (that would have been a spectacular concert if that indeed happened, yes?) That’s my opinion. Let’s face it, very few male 80s rock “singers” could actually sing, without interpreting their output as pure yelling!
I’ve Heard Very Few Male 80s Rock Singers, That Didn’t Scream Their Way Through!

You know, I looked at Steve, and never thought that an amazing voice could come out of that tiny body. ? I think it’s safe to say that Steve truly made his mark as lead singer of Journey, with the following two songs. The first, a song called “Open Arms (1982),” which reached #2 on the Top 100 chart. The second song was called “Never Stop Believin’ (1981),” which peaked at #9 on the Top 100. You know, after the fact, it seemed very strange that this song peaked at only #9 considering this song was remixed and played so many times. At times it seemed more popular than “Open Arms.” Then again, I guess I have to remember it depends on the environment I’m in. Because in the clubs, they played “Never Stop Believin'” a lot. In fact, many “Bring To Action” type groups used this song as their anthem.

What a great song it was though. There’s no doubt that this song was and still is extremely inspirational. After Steve left the group Journey, he produced two songs from his solo career that became my ultimate favorites. The First Song is called “Oh Sherrie (1984),” and peaked at #3. I loved this song. Not only was the music great, I loved the way he sang it. I thought the way he emphasized the “N” sound, in the lyrics “You Should Have Been Gonnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeee” was absolutely hilarious! ? Since he partly written the song, I guess some of that was personal experience (as most songs where back in the day). The last ultimate favorite is called “Foolish Heart (1985).” I think this was a really nice rock ballad. It only reached #18 (which isn’t bad). I’ll tell you one thing, all those classic rock stations playing love songs from back in the day, usually this song would bound to popup at some point.

Song: Mr. Blue Sky
Artist: Electric Light Orchestra
Album: Out Of The Blue (1977)
Genre: Rock
Guys, please don’t judge their name! Although their name sounds like they belong to some sort of circus or novelty act, this England born band produced beyond amazing music when I was growing up. And the proof in that, is their staggering streaming numbers. The song “Mr. Blue Sky” was released in 1977, how the hell did it manage to gather 360M streams from Spotify alone? Are you kidding me? That’s the kind of streams that only someone like Whitney Houston, or Michael Jackson got. Yet, if you ask the average person who they are, they draw a blank! Most people don’t have a clue.
How Can A Group Get So Much Plays, Yet People Barely Remember Them?
That’s mind boggling to me. Either this is an example of how complicated an artist/band stats are, or streaming is moving so incredibly fast, that we are missing a major part of our music history! Don’t you think? To throw an even bigger wrench into the equation, they never had a number one hit! But they do have 7 Top Tens under their belt.

Despite “Mr. Blue Sky” being so successful, the song was at the bottom when it came to my favorites. The song that I think is probably most known/remembered was from their album “A New World Record,” the song is called “Telephone Line (1976).”It also happens to be one of my top favorites. This peaked at #7 on the Top 100, and was their highest ranking song on the charts. Also, from that same album was another favorite of mine called “Livin’ Thing,” and it only peaked at #13 (which is not bad). It’s a really nice album, I recommend it. Check out some of their other hits, “Don’t Break Me Down,” and another great song of theirs “Evil Woman.”

Song: Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Artist: Pat Benatar
Album: Crimes Of Passion (1980)
Genre: Alternative Rock
You know, technically, I don’t think Pat Benatar is a forgotten artists per-say. At least not from the standpoint of her music being obscure. However, I do think she’s a forgotten artist from the standpoint of her being a woman within the rock genre. Like rap, the 80s was really tough for female rockers, in a male dominated genre. She had (and still has) the voice for rock music, but unfortunately this very talented rock artist never had a number one, and as far as I know, never been inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame. However, that didn’t stop her from obtaining 4 awesome Top 10 Hits! As I’ve said earlier, I’ve never had any particular interest in borderline hard rock. But, Mrs. Benatar was one of those rare acceptations.
Such Power In Her Voice, Yet She Never Had A #1 Song!

And one of the 4 Top Tens, happens to be today’s song pick. “Hit Me With Your Best Shot,” from her 1980s “Crimes Of Passions” album. This song peaked at #9, and in my opinion, is probably one of the most memorable songs of her career. To my understanding, this song was actually her first Top 10 Hit. The song was so popular, it was heard during many sports games and sports commercials. Another hit I loved was her song “Love Is A Battle Field (1989).” I thought the video was awesome too. While I mentioned her video, I want you to check it out. One of the dancers has a striking resemblance to Stephanie Mills. I’ll give you one more favorite. The song “We Belong (1985),” was a badass song back in the day. I used to listen to it all the time. This amazing song reached #5 on the Top 100 Chart.

Song: Come And Get Your Love
Artist: Redbone
Album: Come And Get Your Love (1973) (Single)
Genre: Rock
Maybe I’m wrong? Or maybe I’m right? But, I think I’ve shocked the shit out of my readers on this post! To those who are shocked, what did you think when I said that I love all kinds of music? What did you think I meant when I said that I am culturally diverse when it comes to music? If anything, I hope you’re visiting my blog to gain insight into great classic music that existed, and not simply scrolling down my posts until you see an artist you know. If you do, what’s the point of “discovery” if you’re not looking for it? I digress.
Their Massive One Hit Immortalized Them!
It is unfortunate that if today you’d ask an American contemporary rock fan, “who did they think was the best 70s rock band (or perhaps who did they think had the most popular song)?” Off the top of their head, what do you think would be the likelihood of them picking a Native American band? I would almost bet on zero. Although, I’m really not familiar with each individual band member’s heritage, my understanding is that most were mixed/descendants of a Mexican family tree. Thus, they’ve chosen to call themselves “Redbone,” a Cajun word meaning mixed race. Only 3 of 5 band members are still alive. Peter DePoe, Arturo Perez & Butch Rillera.

To simply say that their song “Come And Get Your Love” was a popular hit, would be a gross understatement in my opinion. The song peaked at #5 on the Hot 100 Charts in 1974. Now, even today, Spotify alone has this song at 132 million plays! And guys, that’s just this single! There are more plays because the same song is on different streaming albums. Do you realize how rare that is, to see a classic song streamed that much? A lot of the most popular classic artists don’t get streaming numbers like that! It really wouldn’t surprise me if we combined all the streaming services and include YouTube, and saw that they’ve amassed 600+ million streams. Seriously, this was a great song! I used to stop and listen to this on the radio all the time.

Song: Dance With Me
Artist: Orleans
Album: Let There Be Music (1975)
Genre: Soft Rock
I can’t remember if I already blogged about this group on my old blog. I guess it doesn’t really matter, there will always be content someone hasn’t seen yet ?. Well, today’s group is a group called “Orleans.” They’ve been around for a really, really long time. In fact, they’ve been performing since about the early 1970s. This is the kind of light rock I’m attracted to. Actually, I guess technically you can make an argument that today’s song leans more towards country. I wouldn’t disagree.
I Love How Well They Harmonize!
Their hit “Dance With Me,” reached #6 in the US, and #5 in Canada. The song eventually hit certified gold! This remains my most favorite song throughout their entire discography. They harmonized so well together, making it one of the most romantic songs by a group (of this genre) (in my opinion). Another major hit I loved from Orleans was their song called “Still The One (1976).” I considered this song to be another masterpiece.

“Still The One” reached #5 in the US and #9 in Canada, and also grabbed gold certification! They just don’t make good music like this anymore, and neither are they playing them anymore. Unfortunately, the two above songs were their greatest accomplishments musically. However, they did have a song called “Love Takes Time (1977)” that reached #11, but I didn’t like it at all. It borderlines the kind of rock I normally don’t listen to. I don’t think the group has made any new material for a while. Most of what I’ve seen were republished songs. It’s a shame they only had 3 major hits, they’re actually a very talented group in my opinion.

Song: Playlist
Artist: Elvis Presley
Album: Elvis Presley’s Greatest Hits
Genre: Rock
You know, It’s a shame.. In this day and age, if anyone were to play any of Elvis’s music, someone would probably scream “turn that shit off!” ? But, seriously. Elvis wasn’t some ordinary street dude who got hooked on drugs. Elvis was a brilliant performer that racked up 7 number one songs, and 25 top 10 hits! Do you really know how incredibly hard that is to do? Not only that, he acquired these things within 20 years from the start of his music career. In my generation, that was literally damn near Michael Jackson status (if not equivalent). It’s so heartbreaking to know that sad stories like Elvis’s life were so common, and still is.
Now, Elvis Is Just A Novelty!
It’s really mind-boggling to me, how someone who was a mega superstar, someone who reached greater heights than most performers of his time. Yet, after his death, our memories of him had shifted from being the greatest hit maker of the 50s, to a straight up novelty act, and that includes his likeness. I don’t think there is/was anyone else on this planet, that has been not only impersonated the most, but where people have made a livable career out of it, other than Elvis.

I also think it’s kind of sad that even those performers who imitate him (a large portion of them), whore costumes that projected (what I interpret to be) the worst points of Elvis life (towards the end of his career/life). Make no mistake, Elvis was a hot tamale when he was young. Maybe I’m viewing this the wrong way. But, when I was younger, I felt there was a fine line between entertaining the public, and making fun of Elvis after the fact. The playlist I made for you has many of his #1 hits, some redoes, and songs you may not have heard before. It has 26 of what I considered his best recordings. I think ultimate favorite is a song called “Suspicious Minds,” released in 1969.
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Song: Dust In The Wind
Artist: Kansas
Album: Point Of Know Return (1977)
Genre: Soft Rock
I can’t remember if I’ve already written about this on my old blog. I don’t think so. Have you guys read of a band called Kansas? These rock (boarder line country) bands used to crack me up back in the day, because it was so common for them to name themselves after cities. Kansas, Chicago, Baton Rouge, Houston, the list goes on. Maybe it was a pride thing? Wanting everyone to know where they’re from (perhaps). Come to think of it, a lot of their album art had a familiar look as well. Although “Dust In The Wind” was their only #1 hit (also my personal favorite) of their career, they’re quite talented in my opinion. You should also check out their song called “Carry On Wayward Son (1976),” from their “Leftoverture” album. It almost hit made the Top 10 List, but it’s still a great song tho.
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Song: Everyone Wants To Rule The World
Artist: Tears For Fears
Album: Songs From The Big Chair (1985)
Genre: Pop
This song is a really nice oldie. I don’t think I’ve heard music from them in quite a long time. Now, I wouldn’t go as far as saying they’re the greatest music duo of all times; however, certainly they’ve made some really nice music. On this album, you’ll find several of their greatest hits, one of them being “Everyone Wants To Rule The World,” which peaked #1. Another major hit was “Shout,” which also hit #1. Another favorite of mine is “Head Over Heals,” these are all on the same album. Tears For Fears hasn’t produced anymore hits since the end of the 80s. Shame. Very talented guys in my opinion.

I have to tell yah……… The group “Free,” in my opinion, was one of the many most underrated rock bands in history. As someone who’s in to all kinds of music, I really felt that these guys could sing as a solid rock band. In London, 4 guys decided to come together and form phenomenal rock band; Paul Kossoff, Simon Kirke, Paul Rodgers and Andy Fraiser. In 1968, these 4 guys became “Free.” It’s sad that they broke up within 5 years of getting together. It is unclear exactly why they broke up. I could only imagine it was probably about creative differences.

I guess in the end, it really didn’t matter, as two of the four members died as a result of poor health and drug issues (typical). Free struck gold, with their massive mega rock hit “All Right Now (1970).” The song peaked at #4 on the Top 100 Charts. The song was so popular, it not only made it’s way to a Burger King commercial, it also made Wrigley’s Gum commercial too. Interesting interview I’ve read with drummer Simon Kirke. He shared that “All Right Now,” was actually a song written after a bad gig one night. It was then that the group decided they must increase their tempo. Out of that meeting “All Right Now” was born.

I wonder out of curiosity, how many people remember Tracy Ulman? I would think not that many. Tracy was born in the UK, and she was an extremely successful 80s actress and singer. She had her own TV show, called The Tracy Ulman show. It aired from 1987 thru 1990. It was funny as hell in my opinion. I think she’s talented both as an actress and as a singer. One of my favorite songs she sung (which I also believe (if my memory is correct) was the theme song from that show) was “They Don’t Know (1983),” It was from her debut album “You Broke My Heart In Seventeen Places.” The song hit #8 on the Top 100 Charts. The album was actually cute, it has a 60s sound to it. I don’t think she has made an album in quite a long time. Most are just re releases of her old stuff. Although I think her music was cute, honestly I think I liked her better as an comedian.

Well, I certainly don’t think they meant cool whip ? ?! How many classic fans remember this group? Talk about a weird and eccentric (I guess)! These guys were the kind of group where their music videos were actually more interesting to watch than listening to their music by itself. When I first saw what they looked like, I said to myself WTF? ? They reminded me of those really old Japanese Sci-Fi movies, where aliens come to blow up the planet! ? But, the seventies Sci-Fi look became their trademark. At the moment, I don’t recall any other band that was copying their style at the time.

The groups name is “Devo.” Devo is from Ohio, and got together in 1973. I didn’t even realize they were around that long! I never heard of them before, until I heard their smash hit on the radio. “Whip It (1980),” was a huge popular hit. But, you’d be surprised to know that it did NOT hit #1. In fact, it wasn’t even in the top ten. Whip It peaked at #14 on the Top 100 Charts. However, it hit #8 under “Dance Club Songs,” category. In my opinion, Whip It is the best of all their songs. While I think the song should be historically acknowledged, their music seemed more like a passing fad to me. Their music isn’t the kind of music that most music fans would normally listen to over and over again.

From an art perspective, I absolutely love this album cover. It’s extremely simple, and yet the photo suggests a man who is very mysterious. When I first saw this album cover, it reminded me of the movie Dark Man (1990). You guys remember that movie? Starring Liam Neeson? Great movie.

My pick for today is an 80s artist named John Waite. Now, I don’t think that I can say with certainty that John is a “one hit wonder,” simply because he’s from England, and like in America, we have all these different kinds of billboard categories that sometimes make it difficult to measure artists’ popularity or even success.

However, after sifting throw some charts I get a sense John only had one massive hit across the board (which happens to be my favorite). The song is called “Missing You (1984).” “Missing You” reached #1 in both Canada and the United States. In the UK the song peaked at #9. This one song made him a memorable music legend. Before his solo success, he was in a British rock band called “The Babys.”
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