Pop Music

I think it’s pretty safe to say that my average visitors are not old enough to know half of what I post. But, let me tell you this was my jam growing up. I think Nolan Thomas was a “One Hit Wonder.” I don’t recall hearing any other hits after this one. The video is cute too. This tells the story of what music was like in the 80s. Probably my most favorite era, in terms of musical fun. Check it out!!

I thought it would be a great idea to share interesting live streaming stations. Depending on your taste in music, it can be pretty difficult to find stations that have the type of music you like. There are literally several hundred thousand internet radio stations, not including services such as SiriusXM radio or Live365. Perhaps it’s just easier to learn new music from your friends, or just let your favorite app just pick songs for you in a playlist. But, as I’ve said before, it a good idea to use different sources and streaming services, as each one has different algorithms that help you to find/explore new music based on your listening habits. Checkout this station called “The Seagull.” They play mostly classic rock. Enjoy.

Song: I Think I Love You
Artist: David Cassidy & The Partridge Family
Album: The Definitive Collection (1974)
Genre: Young Pop
Wow, I guess I’ve been blogging and tweeting for so long, I can’t even remember if I’ve written about certain artists anymore ?. But, who cares? There will always be someone who didn’t see, and what you don’t see is still considered “new” in my opinion. I’m almost willing to bet that I can’t find at least 10 of my young readers who know about the legendary Partridge Family! Which is a shame, because although many young people today might not connect with classic music artists, kids in my era did watch a LOT of TV. You’d think that more young people would remember something of their parents playing or watching The Partridge Family.
You Should Remember The Partridge Family, We’ve Watched Too Much TV Not To!

You know, growing up, I never really liked guys with very long hair. But, I discovered that some are the exception to the rule (I guess). Perhaps it’s that “swagger” that my elders used to speak of? Some guys are born with a particular kind of energy that can get away with doing things that others can’t. David Cassidy’s swagger added to his sex-appeal, which is why he had hoards of female fans. I mean, girls screamed for him in the same way they did for Elvis. In the 80s, girls were still drooling over him. Back then, guys like him were called “Heart Throbs.”
David Cassidy Was The Group’s Bread Winner!!

If I remember correctly, none of The Partridge Family were actual professional musicians with the exception of David. In fact, David was the only one who knew how to actually play an instrument. Even the scenes with the young Brian Foster or Suzanne Crough (I can’t remember which) that played the drums on the show, all of that was fake. They did it in such a way that it looked realistic. I’m not sure of their singing though, since David has always been lead singer since I can remember. Sometimes it’s hard to figure those things out. For all we know, the family’s faces could be on the album purely to associate it with the show.
Only David Was The Real Musician!

As to whether these guys are legendary music artists is debatable. I guess depending on who you talk to, and which category you put them in, either actors or performers. Regardless, there’s no question that they’ve played a role in music history tho. Their biggest hit is a song called “I Think I Love You (1970).” I can’t find the billboard position for this song, but Spotify alone shows 15M streams just on this album. To my understanding, the song was so successful that almost immediately after, he started working on a solo albums. He did a cover of a song called “Cherish” which was originally recorded by a group called “The Associations.” It was very well done. It actually sounded a lot like the original. Another favorite of mine I think you should checkout, his song called “I Woke Up In Love This Morning.” I used to play this song all the time. Unfortunately, David died in 2017 of liver failure.

Song: Assorted
Artist: Various
Album: Playlist – The Very Best Of 1984 (2020)
Genre: A Variety
It’s been quite awhile since I’ve made a playlist, huh? I think I need to make more of an effort to create them. Putting together a quality playlist can be just as much work as writing an article (believe it or not) ?. It takes a lot of thought, research, and knowing how to blend songs that go with one another. Anybody can copy and paste random stuff; but a bloggers playlist is the one you’re more then likely to enjoy. I’m not quite sure why I picked the year 1984 for today’s playlist. However, it happens to be one of the best years for memorable pop music. It’s funny, the 80s has made such an impact for many of us of this era, but I can’t even remember what I was doin’ when each of these songs came out.
Can You Remember What You Were Doin’ When These Songs Came Out?

Now that I think about it, in the 80s I considered myself a club kid. So, I can associate dance music with a club I might have went to back in the day (because I was physically there). For all other music genres, perhaps I was listening to them during mundane activities ?. Well, I didn’t realize there were a LOT of hits that came out of 1984. However, I had to narrow them down to 30 amazing songs in this playlist. Pretty mixed genres in this new playlist (you know how I do).
I Just Know That Most 80s Babies Will Love This Playlist!

So, let me talk a little bit about what’s on this playlist. One 1984 song that was an absolute must for this playlist, is a song by one of my most favorite 80s pop band. The Miami Sound Machine’s “Dr. Beat,” a wonderful mix of disco infused pop! By the way, did you know that Gloria Estafan has a new album coming out? She released a single for the album called “Cuando Hay Amor.” It is a Brazilian inspired album. According to an article I’ve found, the full album is expected to be released on August 13th. Another great song I have on this playlist is “Careless Whisper,” by the late George Michael. I’m telling you, with all the hits that man pumped out, I think “Careless Whisper” is the one song people will forever remember him by.
Side Note: Gloria Estefan Has A Brand New Album Coming Out Soon!

Then I have “It’s Raining Men,” by two vocal powerhouses called, The Weather Girls!” Marsha Wash, and the late Izora Armstead, were hot in the 80s. “It’s Raining Men,” was not only a great and fun song, it seemed to appeal to everyone! Whether you were young, old, gay, or straight, on any given day you can usually catch someone singing this song while walking down the street! Another favorite of mine on this list is a song from Elton John, it’s called “I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues.” You know, Elton is the only performer I can think of, that can turn a song that would normally be sad as hell, and make it upbeat and desirable to listen to. He truly has that gift of music. For more songs, click on my playlist above, and enjoy!!

Song: You are In My System
Artist: The System
Album: Sweat (1983)
Genre: Synth-Pop
Ok guys… This is one of those situations where, I do not think this group is anywhere near extraordinarily talented. I’m not even sure if I think their music is average. Honestly, I think they’re the kind of group that you may hear cover for a sick performer, or perhaps open a show for someone more famous. Lead singer Mic Murphy & keyboardist David Frank, came together to form “The System.” They started their career in the early 80s. I believe the above was actually their first album I think.
They’ve Performed Off And On Throughout Their Career.
Although, I wasn’t particularly turned by their music, they did produce two of what became my only favorites by them. The first is a song called “You Are In My System,” released in 1983. I remember hearing this music a lot, just before dance movies started becoming popular, like “Beat Street (1984).” The song only reached #64 on the Top 100 Chart, but reached #10 under R&B singles. If I’m not mistaken, Robert Palmer did a cover of this song too. Would you believe Robert’s version reached #4 on the dance category? That was interesting to me, since I don’t think he really changed the music arrangements much. I guess it really boiled down to performance.

The second and last song they’ve mad that became my ultimate favorite, as a song called “Don’t Disturb This Groove.” It was released in 1987, and it was off of their tittle album “Don’t Disturb This Groove.” Now, oooooooo snaps!! This song was boss in my opinion! And I guess other people thought so too, because it shot up to #1 on the R&B category and #4 on the Top 100 Chart. Growing up I never had any of their albums, but I loved hearing it on the radio. You should check out the video too.

Song: I Love You More
Artist: René & Angela
Album: Wall To Wall (1981)
Genre: R&B
Wow! In my opinion, this duo is obscure for sure! How many of my blog fans even remember who René Moore & Angela Winbush was? They’ve made some of my most favorite jams! It was a shame that their group project did not last very long, musically speaking they were a good match. Actually, for a while I assumed that they were a couple. Kind of like Ashford & Simpson. However, contrary to my beliefs at the time, I discovered later that they literally hated each other’s guts. I would have never guessed that, judging from the music I’ve heard from them. Their music was so popular back in the day. Now I don’t hear them at all! Not even on Live365 radio, and they play all kinds of obscure stuff.
For awhile I really thought they were a couple!
Their song “I Love You More,” my ultimate jam back in the day. It was one of those songs you hear while passing by a store or something, and you must stop and dance a little bit because the groove was so good! For me, that’s an example of some real R&B music of my generation! Actually their album “Wall To Wall,” was a pretty good album. I’m saddened that their business relationship ended so abruptly. They barely lasted 6-8 years together. Which probably meant they hated each other from the start! You might remember a couple of their other hits. One of them was from their 1985 album “Street Called Desire,” and the song was “I’ll Be Good.” I used to jam to that a lot as well. Checkout another classic from the same album called “Your Smile.” Very nice song. About 1985-1986, they eventually broke their contract and moved on with solo careers. I haven’t heard anything from Rene, but Angela had done quite a few recordings.

Song: She Don’t Know Me
Artist: Mullally
Album: She Don’t Know Me (2017) Single Release
Genre: Pop Music
Ok guys…. I know… I know… I’m probably came late to the party! But, I literally just found out about this song about 2 weeks ago. Now, I acknowledge that my more older readers probably may not connect with this song. However, to those of us who are a little more flexible with their music tastes, particularly the dance genre, I think it’s a great song to check out.
Doesn’t Appear His Music Reached The Billboards Yet
You know, I don’t know if my readers can agree with me or not, but I really think he’s the “new aged blue eyed soul,” for this generation! This young man has some real vocal skills in my opinion. He enunciate every word exactly to each fast paced beat. Not too many people who can do that. Despite this particular song hit almost 1.5 million plays, and being a certified hit, the song has not hit anywhere on the Billboard Chart. Having said that, I also discovered that he still isn’t signed to any label yet, which could explain why his music didn’t reach Billboard status.

But that doesn’t mean that he’s not being talked about around the internet. Despite being around since 2016? Give or take? I can’t seem to find any full albums. But you know what also? In my research, I discovered something I never knew before. Did you know that there’s a such thing as “The Unsigned Awards?” Yes, in 2016 he won an Unsigned Award! That is so inspiring. How wonderful that an organization recognizes talent not in mainstream media. I haven’t found any awards ceremonies since 2018, I do hope they’re continuing with the project. Mullally doesn’t appear to have made any full albums. He has about 4 releases on Spotify.

Song: Something About You
Artist: Level 42
Album: Level Best (1989)
Genre: Pop Music
Hi guys!! Do you guys remember Level 42? These guys had a couple of hits, however, as far as I’m concerned, they’re a one hit wonder (both in terms of American Billboard & as far as my personal taste goes). Level 42 is an English group from the UK. From my understanding they’re pretty popular in the UK. I wasn’t really in to their music tho. Unfortunately, when it comes to music from the UK, I can be extremely picky. Very few (relatively speaking) artists from the UK I can think of where I liked a LOT of their music.
They Were A One Hit Wonder, As Far As I Was Concerned!
I think their song “Something About You,” was one of the best UK crossovers that helped to close the end of another music decade. In 1986, the song peaked at #7 on the Top 100 Chart, and has became one of their most memorable songs. Now, there were a few other songs that made it on the billboard, however, from my understanding, they ranked better in the UK.

One example that did better in the UK, was their song called “Lesson In Love (1987).” The song peaked at #3 in the UK, however, it’s highest reach in the US was #12 on the Top 100. I was actually quite surprised how popular this song was in the states, I really never cared for this at all. Although technically their music is pop, at the same time, a lot of pop music from the UK sounds almost like a genre of it’s own. Listening to many groups from (then) the United Kingdom, were almost like listen to an eighties soundtrack similar to “Flashdance” type movies. ? By the way, please checkout this acoustic version of “Something About You,” it’s really really nice! I like that one.

Song: My Eyes Adored You
Artist: Frankie Valli
Album: Closeup (1975)
Genre: Easy Listening
What a shame! Kids today never even heard of the great Frankie Valli! Not only that, I doubt they ever heard of The Four Seasons either! Frankie Valli was a massive hit maker, yet, not even internet radio is playing their music (and let me tell you, I’ve heard some pretty obscure music on internet radio). Shame on any parent who has not introduced their kids at some point to Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons! The Four Seasons sounded as though they were meant to be an A cappella group instead a pop band. Frankie had such a distinctive voice (still has). Nobody in my opinion could sing their music as good as The Four Seasons. The songs were simply made for them.

In my opinion, they sang some of the most romantic music of their time, be it an actual ballad or a pop song. It was not always about the voice either, it was about the lyrics. “My Eyes Adored You,” is a perfect song to play at any wedding or reception. The song was also another major favorite of my late grandfather. I remember any time this song came on the radio or something; it didn’t matter what my grandma was doing; my she could have been in the middle of preparing dinner; my grandpa made her stop what she was doing to dance with him to this song. Definitely, men don’t come like that anymore.
Looking For Special Romantic Music For Your Partner? Choose Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons!
There are just too many of their great music to list all of them. So, I’m going to share with you some of my ultimate favorites I remember growing up! In addition to listening to “My Eyes Adored You,” I also recommend songs such as, “Sherry,” “Walk Like A Man,” “Let’s Hang On,” “Grease,” “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You,” “Swearin’ To God,” “December, 1963 (Oh What A Night!),” and “Searching Wind.” Those are my most favorite childhood songs from Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons.

Song: Safety Dance
Artist: Men Without Hats
Album: Rhythm Of Youth (1982)
Genre: Synth-Pop
Ok. This is when I know I must REALLY love to blog, when almost every time I say to myself, “I need a little rest,” I windup needing to blog about something still! LOL. Oh well.. I’d rather be addicted to blogging, instead of being addicted to drugs or something worse.
“Men Without Hats” is a Canadian synth-pop group that had a really popular hit song in the early 80s. Now, according to Billboard, they only had 1 Top Ten hit, and 1 mediocre hit. I don’t know what their numbers in Canada are like, but as far as America is concerned, they’re a one hit wonder.

The song they’re most known for in America is called “Safety Dance.” I’m not sure why, but for some reason, every time I hear this song, it almost always remind of Falco’s “Rock Me Amadeus (1985).” Remember Falco? His song was another huge 80s hit too. Maybe it’s just because the 80s were a fun time in terms of music. Almost every major genre had so much creativity in the lyrics and composition. Today’s music is literally night and day. But, I digress. “Safety Dance,” hit #3 on the Top 100 Charts. It was insane how much the pop radio stations were playing this song.

Song: Hello, It’s Me
Artist: Todd Rundgren
Album: Something/Anything? (1972)
Genre: Pop
Do you remember this guy? Todd Rundgren’s music really isn’t obscure (I don’t think), but relative to today’s masses, he’s unheard of. Although he performed many different genres, so far the ones I found worth listening has been his pop songs. He started his career in the mid seventies, and has been known for his outrageous/unconventional wardrobe. Now, I don’t know, I always thought that his music required a certain taste. But, much to my surprise, it appears that a LOT of people love his music! For me, I only loved one song he has written. And that song was “Hello It’s Me,” from his 1972 album “Something/Anything?.” The song hit #5 on the Top 1000 Charts. I played this song so much back in the day, it wasn’t even funny. I was barely 5 years old when this song came out. What the hell was it about the song I loved so much? I thought perhaps it was the arrangements of the synthesizers; or perhaps his voice. Till this day, I still can’ figure out why only this song, and not none of his other works? I should have put him in the “one hit wonder” category, but this may or may not be exactly true. Check out this remix of “Hello, It’s Me,” I found by Philip Steir. Two years later, in 1974, the legendary Isley Brothers performed a cover of “Hello, It’s Me.” It’s a shame that the Isley’s cover didn’t appear anywhere on the Billboard’s 100/200 charts. I loved their version too.

Song: Movin’ On
Artist: Elliot Yamin
Album: Elliot Yamin (2007)
Genre: Pop Music
Wow, I haven’t listened to this dude in a really long time! Judging from his last name, I’m gonna make a safe assumption he is Jewish. When I tell you Elliot Yamin is talented, this man can sing his ass off! I totally love his work! His self titled album “Elliot Yamin,” was the first of his albums I listened to, and I fell in love with his music ever since. If you love popin’ pop music, please don’t judge Yamin by his album cover. He is seriously talented in my opinion. “Movin’ On,” I think is the perfect song for me to use to introduce my readers. The bulk of his music is primarily a mixture dance, pop, and hip hop.
Hip Hop, Pop, & Dance, All Rolled Up In To One
Unfortunately, Elliot has only produced about 3 albums, yet according to what I’ve been reading, he is still performing. Out of the three albums he has done, his first self titled album received the most success. But not nearly enough in my opinion; he was seriously underrated. Plus, I guess since music streaming has changed music forever, unless you were already a music legend before streaming took over, it’s bloody difficult.

So, his song “Movin’ On,” charted #61 on the Top 100 Billboard Chart (which I think is bullsh** because the song is hot). The second song from this album, “Waiting For You,” ranked #13 on Top 100. But his entire album ranked #3! How confusing is that? Well, winning 3rd place on the 5th season of American Idol may have had a lot to do with it. I really would have liked to see more promotions by him. Check out “How Do I know,” and “Virginia.”
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Song: Alright
Artist: Janet Jackson
Album: Rhythm Nation 1814 (1989)
Genre: Pop
We all know that Janet comes from a family where talent is in their genes. I think it’s safe to say that, there’s no question, for most people, at least half of Janet’s music we love. She’s done house, pop, romance, you name it! Janet has done just about every kind of music except country (that I’m aware of LOL). I’m so glad I hadn’t heard any country songs from her; because back in the day, once a known pop artist come out with a country album, usually it’s a bad sign that your career is dying. Not sure if that’s still true today but… Just sayin’… Out of all my many favorites, “Alright” has been on the top of my list. It may also be because of her music video, the whole “film noir” setting. One thing I’ve always loved about both Janet and Micheal, they always pay tribute (in someway) to classic film. “Alright (1989)” hit #4 on the Hot 100 charts! The entire Rhythm Nation album in my opinion is number one. I think both her Control & Rhythm Nation is her best work. Unfortunately, this single remix album is out of print. However, you can find it on Discogs.
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Song: True
Artist: Spandau Ballet
Album: True (1983)
Genre: Pop Ballads
Ok, ok. If you told me that you never heard this song before; I would have said you’re lying (unless you’re under the age of 25-30)! This song was such a massive hit in the 80’s. It was a love song of all love songs back then. No matter if you were young, old, Black, White, everyone was singing this tune. This English group named, Spandau Ballet, took this song to #1 not just in the United Kingdom, but #1 in America (Adult Contemporary), #1 in Ireland, and #1 in Canada! Other countries such as France & Germany, the song was in the Top 10 range. “True,” remains to be one of my most favorite romantic songs ever! The song practically immortalized this group forever. This was their only massive hit of their career. Of all their works after the “True” album, only one song, “Gold,” made its highest peak at #29 in 1984.
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Song: You Wear It Well
Artist: DeBarge
Album: Rhythm Of The Night (1985)
Genre: Pop Music
I’m taking you back to 1985, with one of my favorite groups, DeBarge!! These guys were sooooo talented. I’m really saddened that their lives took such a negative turn. They were one of the few groups, where I always looked forward to hearing their next albums. As far as I can tell, only El is still performing (still sounds wonderful by the way), and Chico is still performing as well (has two great solo albums of his own). Bobby DeBarge is deceased.
There were to huge hits from this album. The first song everyone in my age group instantly remembers from the movie sound track “The Last Dragon (1985),” the song is called “Rhythm Of The Night (1985).” I loved this song. It was one of those happy songs that almost made you dance out in the streets. The second catchy tune from this album was called “You Wear It Well.” I will bet almost any amount of money that half (if not most) people forgot this song! This was a really cute song in my opinion. I just love that distinct 80s sound, it never gets old for me!

Song: Love Overboard
Artist: Gladys Knight & The Pips
Album: All Our Love (1987)
Genre: Pop Music
I think the last generation took for granted just how many hits Gladys Knight & The Pips actually had (beyond their “Imagination (1973)” album) back in the day. Fans immediately zero in on their iconic songs like “Midnight Train To Georgia,” and “If I Were Your Woman.” However, “Love Overboard” was the sh*t too back in the day. The song peaked at #13 on the Top 100 charts. This was the perfect dance love song. At the time, this song was huge, because it was their first top 40 hit in quite a few years.

Song: Breakout
Artist: Swing Out Sister
Album: Swing Out Sister (1987)
Genre: Pop Music
Do you guys remember a really old eighties group called “Swing Out Sister?” The group consists of Andy Connell & Corinne Drewery. I have to be honest, I wasn’t really in to their music. I only loved one songs= from them, and that was “Breakout.” It’s a really fun song that kind of still reminds me of my party days. It’s not necessarily a “club song,” probably more like a song you’d play at a teenage barbecue. But, never the less, it’s very entertaining and danceable. The song hit #6 on the Top 100, and #1 in Adult Contemporary. This was a pretty huge hit around the world. They also did a cover of Barbara Acklin’s “Am I The Same Girl (1992).” The song hit #45 on the Top 100. This song has such a great melody that it seems you’re almost virtually guaranteed you’ll wind up somewhere on the charts. Breakout was their biggest hit of their career.

Song: Dancin’ In The Key Of Life
Artist: Steve Arrington
Album: Dancin’ In The Key Of Life (1985)
Genre: Pop Music
Wow!!! Talk about nostalgia!! Talk about “Black in the day!” Do you guys remember Steve Arrington? Stop lying! No you don’t!! ? ? ? “Dancin’ In The Key Of Life,” was my sh*t back in the day! This was my all purpose song! You can dance to it, exercise to it, clean the house to it, anything you needed to do, this song was a great song to play to start your day. Another beautiful thing about this song was, everyone of all ages were grooving to amazing composition. Shockingly, the song only made it up to #68 on the Top 100 Charts ?. However, in the dance category it reached #2. As popular as I remembered this song was, I’m stunned that it was at such a low position on the main chart. Another great dance hit you should check out is “Feel So Real,” which happens to be on the same “Dancin’ In The Key Of Life” album. This song reached #5 on the Billboard Dance Charts. To my understanding, Steve started his career being a former drummer for the group called Slave.
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Song: I Wanna Sex You Up!
Artist: Color Me Badd
Album: C.M.B. (1991)
Genre: Pop Music
Ok, how many of you “classic fan wanna be(s)” remember Color Me Badd? I bet a whole lot of people forgot about these guys, cause I don’t even hear any radio stations playin’ these guys anymore! C.M.B. where the kings of pop music in the 90s. But today, they are a hot f**king mess ?. What a darn shame. What made matters even worse for the fading group, was the recent assault perpetrated by Bryan Abrams on one of the group’s fellow members on stage. It’s been alleged that Bryan has huge issues with alcoholism and violence. Such a damn shame, a once lead singer of the hottest number one singing group of the 90s, to now becoming a hasbeen.

Song: Don’t You Want Me
Artist: The Human League
Album: Dare (1981)
Genre: Pop Music
I’m not sure if I can call this UK group obscure, but damn! Is this song old! ? This song not only hit #1, it stayed #1 for a total of three weeks before it slowly started to dropped. This song was my sh*t back in the day. It was a massively popular, fun and a danceable tune. They also had another #1 hit in 1986 called “Human.” I absolutely loved this song too. It was almost like a romantic pop song (if there is a such thing). These two songs were their only cemented international hits in history.

Song: Everyone Wants To Rule The World
Artist: Tears For Fears
Album: Songs From The Big Chair (1985)
Genre: Pop
This song is a really nice oldie. I don’t think I’ve heard music from them in quite a long time. Now, I wouldn’t go as far as saying they’re the greatest music duo of all times; however, certainly they’ve made some really nice music. On this album, you’ll find several of their greatest hits, one of them being “Everyone Wants To Rule The World,” which peaked #1. Another major hit was “Shout,” which also hit #1. Another favorite of mine is “Head Over Heals,” these are all on the same album. Tears For Fears hasn’t produced anymore hits since the end of the 80s. Shame. Very talented guys in my opinion.

Song: Come On Eileen
Artist: Dexy’s Midnight Runners
Album: Come On Eileen (2009)
Genre: Modern Pop
O.K. I’m just going to come out and say it. The group “Dexy’s Midnight Runners” makes some weird music ?. Actually, maybe weird is the wrong word to use. They make music that a very, very small group of people listen to. They’ve been categorized as a pop and soul band; however, when you listen to most of their music, they almost sound like a marching band. The song “Come On Eileen (1983),” is not only the one song I liked from them, it was also their one and only #1 hit. No other music of theirs EVER registered on the charts.