Classic Groove Music

Song: Walking In Rhythm
Artist: The Blackbyrds
Album: Greatest Hits (1989)
Genre: Funk
This was a badass group right there!! I loved a lot of their music!! This was another one of those groups where it is difficult to put them in any sort of category. There are so many different sounds and cultures within one song. Sometimes it’s funk mixed with African beats, sometimes R&B with touch of psychedelic, sometimes something crazy infused with disco. Indeed they were an eccentric group back in the day, and perhaps an acquired taste. The Blackbyrds are the kind of old school group, you’ll have to sift through their songs, like being in a vinyl store before you find some masterpieces.

However, the one thing we can say about this group is, these guys can sing! I can’t recall any group right now, that harmonized so well, while doing their type of music. In fact, a couple of their songs I’ve listened to reminded me very much of the O’Jays. If it were not for the fact that The Blackbyrds’s music was so different, I could easily mistaken them.
The Blackbyrds Knew How To Harmonize
A perfect example of their vocal skills, was their hit song “Walking In Rhythm (1975).” This was one of my FAVORITE R&B, disco infused song. I used to dance my ass off as a kid. I was only 8 years old when this song came out. It hit #6 on the Top 100 Chart, and #4 on the R&B chart. I’m sorry, that song should have been number one; I can’t think of any song that was more rhythmic and danceable from that year.

There are a few songs from the Blackbyrds I recommend taking a listen to. “Rock Creek Park (1976),” is another dance groove song I think you’d enjoy. Sadly it only peaked at #93 on the Top 100; and #37 on the R&B Chart; but, screw that Billboard, that song is still hot in my opinion. Moving up to something a little more recent, they have an album called “Gotta Fly (2012).” There’s a soft house mix I really like called “No Stopping,” you should check out. With the exception of “No Stopping,” the album is mostly geared towards modern jazz. It’s a pretty good album, and very relevant in my opinion. Check out “Ride,” they almost got that “Kool & The Gang” sound goin’ on. By the way, looks like they’ve added a female to the group? Her name is Theresa Hall. I’m having trouble figuring out if she’s a new member, or just a guest on the album. Hmmm Whoever she is, she sounds good.

Song: Juicy Fruit
Artist: Mtune
Album: Juicy Fruit (1983)
Genre: Groove
I don’t remember if I’ve written about them on my old blog, but.. Oh well. With so much music out here, it’s humanly impossible to keep track of everything ?. Growing up, the song “Juicy Fruit,” was one of those must have songs in every barbecue, or every other major Black “get together.” I loved this song. It was unique. It wasn’t fast enough to be a dance club song, but it wasn’t slow enough to be considered a romantic love song. It was smack right in between. The song only reached #45 on the Hot 100 Chart; but hit #1 on the R&B charts; and stayed there for 8 weeks! Awh, charts can be so misleading. By the way, this song was so popular, I read last year that James Mtune sued Sony for the music rights to “Juicy Fruit?” Read it here. The group had other hits, however, “Juicy Fruit” remains my ultimate favorite by them.
James Mtune Sues Sony For The Rights to “Juicy Fruit.”
It was kind of an interesting read that he’s suing Sony. Not that I don’t he has the right to; but from what I can tell, after the group recorded about two albums, they haven’t been active since the mid 80’s. Maybe there’s a hope of a “reboot’ of the song? You know, in many ways, a lot of their songs kind of reminds me of a group called “Parliament,” not sure if my readers are old enough to remember that group. Mtune also had a #2 hit on the R&B charts called “You, Me and He,” which a lot of people liked but….. I personally didn’t care too much for it.

Song: Lean On Me
Artist: Bill Withers
Album: Still Bill (1972)
Genre: R&B
I don’t think there are any words in the English language that exist, that could describe exactly just how phenomenal I feel Bill Withers is. He has produced some of the finest music. He is a unique musician that has produced his own brand of music like no other. The only other famous artist with that same unique genius (I can think), is Al Green, in my opinion. In fact, Bill’s talent is so unique, I had trouble figuring out a category for him. I’m sure most of the music industry has him under R&B; but to me, he’s more Black folk (if there was such a category). By the way, to all the Bill Withers fans, did you get a chance to see his documentary “Still Bill (2009)?” I highly recommend that you watch it if you have not already. It’s very interesting I promise you! One of the things I’ve learned in that documentary was that Bill was a stutterer. What a beautiful voice, I would have never suspected him of having a speech problem. I remembered how he cried sharing what he went through; but don’t worry, the documentary isn’t a tear jerker. At age 81 now, as far as I can tell, his last performance was in France last year. Go head with your bad self Bill!!

“Lean On Me” was the biggest song in his career. It reached #1 on the Hot 100, in 1972. A group called “Club Nouveau” did a cover version of “Lean On Me,” and believe it or not, it also hit #1 in 1987! From the same album, Bill had another super hit called “Use Me,” which peaked at #2. I loved that song, it has sick beat to it, and it matched the attitude of the song. In 1981, he recorded a song with Grover Washington called “Just The Two Of us,” and it reached #2. The dude was smokin’. A lot of artist sampled this song it was so popular. In my opinion, the his albums “Just As I am (1971),” and “Still Bill” are of his best works. However, if you love his music, listen to his “Essential Album.” It has practically all his most popular music, and some nice ones you may or may not have heard before.
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Song: Alright
Artist: Janet Jackson
Album: Rhythm Nation 1814 (1989)
Genre: Pop
We all know that Janet comes from a family where talent is in their genes. I think it’s safe to say that, there’s no question, for most people, at least half of Janet’s music we love. She’s done house, pop, romance, you name it! Janet has done just about every kind of music except country (that I’m aware of LOL). I’m so glad I hadn’t heard any country songs from her; because back in the day, once a known pop artist come out with a country album, usually it’s a bad sign that your career is dying. Not sure if that’s still true today but… Just sayin’… Out of all my many favorites, “Alright” has been on the top of my list. It may also be because of her music video, the whole “film noir” setting. One thing I’ve always loved about both Janet and Micheal, they always pay tribute (in someway) to classic film. “Alright (1989)” hit #4 on the Hot 100 charts! The entire Rhythm Nation album in my opinion is number one. I think both her Control & Rhythm Nation is her best work. Unfortunately, this single remix album is out of print. However, you can find it on Discogs.’s Best Selling Men’s Fragrances
Song: Between The Sheets
Artist: The Isley Brothers
Album: Between The Sheets (1983)
Genre: R&B
Oh shit!! Could those pants have been any tighter?! ? The material that was used for many “stylish” clothes for men back in the day, was so uncomfortable and non-flexible. Just trying to sit down was a problem for me. Honestly, I don’t know how I made it through the 70s ? Anyway, I was gonna pick a dance song, until I came across these legends. Surely a forgotten group, as far as I can tell. They’ve had more hits than I can think of. “Between The Sheets” hit #3 on the R&B charts, and has gained the status of “baby makin’ music” in the Black community. If I’m not mistaken, “It’s Your Thing (1969)” was their biggest hit of their career, landing at #2 on the Top 100 Chart. Although, if someone said to me “off the top of your head, think of an Isley song,” I’d probably think of “Between The Sheets” first.

Song: We Got Our Own Thang
Artist: Heavy D. & The Boyz
Album: Big Tyme (1989)
Genre: Hip Hop
Yes.. I think even the biggest classic music fans has forgotten about Heavy D. & The Boyz. And I definitely have not heard their music on classic radio stations! Sad part is, they were one of the very few hip hop artists that produced music that appealed to a wider audience. A lot of people loved and admired this groups. In addition to my favorite “We Got Our Own Thang,” you should also check out my other favorites. ” Now That We’ve Found Love (1991),” and “Somebody For Me (1989).” Such a shame we lost Heavy D. so early in his career. Not only was he talented lyrically, he also could dance his ass off. Not many “overweight lovers” could dance the way he did.
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Song: Love Overboard
Artist: Gladys Knight & The Pips
Album: All Our Love (1987)
Genre: Pop Music
I think the last generation took for granted just how many hits Gladys Knight & The Pips actually had (beyond their “Imagination (1973)” album) back in the day. Fans immediately zero in on their iconic songs like “Midnight Train To Georgia,” and “If I Were Your Woman.” However, “Love Overboard” was the sh*t too back in the day. The song peaked at #13 on the Top 100 charts. This was the perfect dance love song. At the time, this song was huge, because it was their first top 40 hit in quite a few years.

Song: Pick Up The Pieces
Artist: Average White Band
Album: Average White Band (1975)
Genre: Funk
Let me tell you…. This was no ordinary Average White Band ? ?. These guys had more funk and soulful feeling in their music, than any other blue-eyed soul band I can think of at the moment. I mean, when I was a kid, I thought they were all Black when I was listening to their music. Actually, I dare to say they’re probably more diverse as a group than “Heatwave.” They really made some good music back in the day. Having said that, once again, I am blown away about the low ranking for their (arguably the most popular) songs “Pick Up The Pieces.” When it came to groove music, this hit the spot. This became another “must have” in many barbecue gatherings when I was growing up. Yet it only reached #45 in Adult Contemporary. WTF??? ? BTW, I couldn’t resist in thinking, if this band would have came out today, the politically extreme left would have crucified the band for their chosen name.
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Song: Boogie Oogie Oogie
Artist: Taste Of Honey
Album: A Taste Of Honey (1978)
Genre: Disco
I’m pretty sure most people under the age of 40 barely remember (if any at all) the group Taste Of Honey. Let me tell you, these women were some badass bitches (in a good way)! To watch them perform, be it live or on TV, was a sight to see. There are very, very few female musicians who could pick a guitar like these women. The only other Black female (long before this group) I can remember off hand that could beat the hell out of a guitar like that was Rosetta Tharpe. Unfortunately, as talented as this group was, they only produced two major hits (although iconic). The first was “Boogie Oogie Oogie,” which hit number #1 on the Top 100, and “Sukiyaki (1981),” which hit #3. Also check out “Rescue Me (1980).” Does the beat sound familiar to you? I’ll give you a hint “I Got A Man (1992)!”

Song: Breakout
Artist: Swing Out Sister
Album: Swing Out Sister (1987)
Genre: Pop Music
Do you guys remember a really old eighties group called “Swing Out Sister?” The group consists of Andy Connell & Corinne Drewery. I have to be honest, I wasn’t really in to their music. I only loved one songs= from them, and that was “Breakout.” It’s a really fun song that kind of still reminds me of my party days. It’s not necessarily a “club song,” probably more like a song you’d play at a teenage barbecue. But, never the less, it’s very entertaining and danceable. The song hit #6 on the Top 100, and #1 in Adult Contemporary. This was a pretty huge hit around the world. They also did a cover of Barbara Acklin’s “Am I The Same Girl (1992).” The song hit #45 on the Top 100. This song has such a great melody that it seems you’re almost virtually guaranteed you’ll wind up somewhere on the charts. Breakout was their biggest hit of their career.

Song: Don’t Let Me Down
Artist: Marcia Griffiths
Album: Play Me Nice & Sweet (1974)
Genre: Reggae
Wow! Talk about sweet reggae music? This is a great one right here!! I know I probably say this all the time, but, I think this is one of my most favorite reggae songs by a female. “Don’t Let Me Down” is both danceable and very romantic. I highly recommend this song for weddings/reception. Marcia has taken this 1969 Beatles song to a whole different level. Now, to be honest, I’m almost certain that most Americans don’t know anything about Marcia Griffiths. However, Americans may remember her for her smash hit “Electric Boogie (1990).” The crazy thing about this song is that, growing up, this song was almost a requirement to any Black party. I mean, before an end to every barbecue, someone will demand that song to be played. Almost every church function I’ve been to as a child played this song before the function was over. The dance to this song looked very much like “The Bus Stop.” Yet, the Top 100 Charts has this song positioned at #51! WTF??????????

Song: The Gigolo
Artist: O’Bryan
Album: The Best Of O’Bryan (1996)
Genre: Funk/R&B
I know I shouldn’t judge, but…. I’m almost positive that hardly anyone remembers this dude!! He looks so different now. But, he also looks more handsome now with age. As far as I can tell, he never had any chart toppers in the “Top 100” category, but he had a few under R&B. I wasn’t really in to his music. However, some straight females acted as tho he was a Luther Vandross or something. I liked “The Gigolo (1982),” because the sound was very “Prince (ish).” It reached #57 on the Top 100, and it was the highest ranking on Top 100. But, the good news was that it peaked at #5 on R&B. Some of you may remember O’Bryan for his #1 R&B song called “Lovelite (1984).” Another “Prince (ish)” sound, that was very popular in the Black community back in the day. Through all the ups and downs, at age 57, he’s still performing and rocking the house!

Song: Tempted
Artist: Erykah Badu
Album: Tempted (2019)
Genre: R&B
When it comes to Erykah’s outward appearance, man, this is one weird lady!!! I swear, sometimes I think Erykah is like a Black version of Björk. Erykah is definitely eccentric. However, she threw down jams back in the day that later on became iconic. Along with James Poyser, Erykah has recently released a cover of a song called “Tempted.” It was originally written and performed by a group called “Squeeze” in 1981. This was was my only favorite song from the group. It’s interesting that Erykah chose to do this song song, since the group never had any top 100 hits. But then again, it’s safe to say that this would be expected of Erykah, because she doesn’t copycat and do what everybody else does. I like the way she did this song, it caught me off guard. ?

Song: Do It ‘Till You’re Satisfied
Artist: B.T. Express
Album: Do It (‘Till You’re Satisfied) (1974)
Genre: Funk
I can say with absolute certainty, that this song was of the biggest and most popular songs of the seventies! “Do It ‘Till You’re Satisfied,” was #1 on the R&B Charts, #2 on the Top 100 Charts, and the album itself became #1 by February 1974. It’s mind blowing how a group that was as massively popular as they were, has been completely removed from the memories of most. Another massive hit from the same album, was a song called “Express.” “Express” was more of a instrumental disco infused funk piece. It had a very catchy tune, and it was almost immediately recognizable the minute we heard it.”Express” also hit #1 on the R&B Charts, and was #4 on the Top 100 Charts. Little by little members broke off to start their own ventures. Eventually the group officially disbanded around the very late 1980s.