Compilations And Various Artists
These are basically playlists of commercial albums and CDs. I try my best to curate not only the original artist, but the original songs in the way they sang them. Just imagine how much you would have paid for an album or CD if playlists did not exist? Playlists has become a crucial part of the streaming world; not just for the users to share with friends; but for the new artists who needs to get inside your earbuds!

Song: Various Songs
Artist: Various Artists
Album: K-TEL: The Elite (1981)
Genre: Easy Listening
Hi guys!! I hope all my readers had a safe and enjoyable xmas! Today I put together a nice playlist for you guys. Question: Do you remember a label called “K-TEL?” I don’t remember what it actually stands for, but K-TEL International is actually a company that sells products through infomercials and other various marketing techniques, but it’s usually by way of television. K-TEL also owned a record label, and focused on re-selling chart topping hits. In my opinion, back in the day K-TEL was actually vital to music collectors. When we had no other choice but to buy our records, although they were cheaper than they are now (physically), it still cost us a ton of money to purchase whole albums (and even singles if you wanted a lot of songs).

K-TEL was “heaven sent” for most of us die-hard music fans. What was nice about companies like K-TEL was that they compiled all the biggest hit songs we missed, and put them all on one album. Buying these albums were like buying collections from Time Life. The only real difference between K-TEL and Time Life, was that Time Life offered half hour detailed infomercials, and usually promoted several albums/cassettes at a time. Actually, K-Tel’s music choices for their albums were slightly different (if I was to be quite honest). I really loved K-TEL, I can tell that whatever committee responsible for selecting the songs for each album knew what they were doing. Most of the albums they released had very good songs on them. At least 10-12 good ones out of maybe 16-18.

Even for the artists I didn’t necessarily like, usually the best of their songs were selected. An example of that was Diana Ross. I never thought Diana had an amazing voice, she was just lucky to have good writers and producers under her belt (and I guess having a relationship with Berry Gordy didn’t hurt either). “It’s My Turn (1980),” theme from the movie “It’s My Turn,” I felt was a really nice song. Not only did she sing this song well, it was one of the very few songs I’ve heard where you actually hear a story in it. Another great classic song on this album is “The Logical Song (1978).” In the US it peaked at #6 on the Top 100. The song actually did very well around the world. This album also has my only second favorite from Boz Scaggs called “Look What You’ve Done To Me (1980).” Scaggs’s ballad was so huge, you couldn’t turn on the radio without it already being played. The song hit #3 in Adult Contemporary. The type of songs selected throughout all their albums, almost became their signature trademark. Enjoy!!

Song: A Playlist
Artist: Various Artists
Album: Romantic Nights (2019)
Genre: Romantic Love Songs
You know, with the thirties of thousands of songs (and climbing) saved on my Spotify alone, you’d think that it would just be easier for me to just create playlists. But for me, even creating a playlist is a lot of work (not if you want to create a meaningful playlist, that is). A true classic blogger, who has lived through the various music eras will not just dump any ol’ songs in a playlist and say “here!” That’s just not gonna happen (unless you’re lazy as hell, and in that case why bother going through the trouble of starting a blog in the first place?) Putting together what I consider a perfect playlist, takes just as much work (perhaps more) as it does writing about a single artist. I still believe that people in my age group would more appreciate hand picked songs from someone who lived through our generation, appose to a teenager high on marijuana trying to give you a 7,000 song playlist of a bunch of random shit. I don’t know what the fuck these people are thinking? Let me be the first to tell you it’s retarded.
The Kind Rare Classics You’ll Remember
My new playlist consist of 30 amazing songs starting from 1960s up to 1990s. There should be at least about 6 songs you’ll enjoy regardless of the time line. If you’re looking for a real romantic playlist (and not twerk music) this is the playlist to follow. In this playlist I have music from Eric Benet (I know a lot of you forgot about his ass), BoyzIIMen, Carole King, & Monica. For my older readers, I’ve added groups like The Dupress, The Flamingos, and Jerry Butler. I don’t think even Time Life could have put together a better playlist! That’s right! I said it! ?

Song: An Awesome Playlist!
Artist: Various
Album: Most Popular Hits Of 1970! (1970)
Genre: Assorted
Hey guys, it’s been a while since I’ve made a playlist. As always, I think I have a really good hand picked playlist for ya. Today’s playlist consist of 20 of the most popular songs of 1970! From soul, to original R&B, to Rock. A little bit of everything to fit most people’s taste. The first song in my playlist is from the legendary Freeda Payne, called “Band Of Gold (1970).” I remember every family member, and friends of family playing this song. I loved the beat and melody song so much, I was upset that the song was so short. Another favorite that was somewhat popular in the Black community was a song from The who called “American Woman.” Those of my listeners who are old enough to remember Tom Jones at his prime, I have “Without Love” on this playlist. I always used to say that Tom Jones and Engelbert Humperdinck had very similar voices & vocal textures. However, “Without Love” is the one song that separates Tom from Engelbert. Tom really projected his voice and sang his ass off! Tom could have easily been a Broadway performer. The song was another favorite that my grandpops and I loved to listen to. I also have “Turn Back The Hands Of Time by Tyrone Davis!” This was a huge hit back in the day. Check out more songs on my new 70s playlist.