If someone where to ask me, “what is my favorite Anita Baker song, I’d have to say all of them! This is one of those rare situations where I wouldn’t even bother making a playlist, because I’d end up adding all of her entire albums on it. Rarely has there been any artist I’ve been exposed to, that caused me to love their music THAT much! However, the other part is (and I’m sure my older readers would agree), music from the 60s all the way up to the 80s where just better. Period! No arguments! And that includes RAP! Anywayz… If I had to pick an ultimate Anita song, it would be “No One In The World.” This was from her first or second album called “Rapture.” Each time I listen to this song, it literally pulls me into a time warp. There wasn’t a single person I came in contact with that didn’t like Anita Baker. She was indeed the bomb!