I came across an article quite by accident. The article is called “Why Music Streaming Services Need To Attract An Older Audience,” published about a year ago. As my followers know, getting some older folk to use technology is like pulling teeth, and two toes!!! While the industry recognize this is a challenging issue, I’m thinking just how hard it would be to overcome this? I’m also seriously wondering if this is even possible? I would like to have a real talk for a minute here. Despite the negative feelings many independent/or new artists have concerning music streaming, streaming services like Spotify have single handedly saved the music industry from being sucked in by the black piracy hole (or vortex, if you will).

With few exceptions, the majority of streaming platform users tend to be largely in the under 35 set, but these services might do well to start courting an older demographic, with their deep pockets and streaming compatible tastes in music.

Although I don’t agree with the above quote (in regards to the “deep pocket” reference), I found it interesting how they broke down “the older demographic,” but did not compare data to older people who are on a “fixed income.” Which is a segue to almost the heart of what I really wanted to discuss. I think it’s safe to say that any change is difficult for most older folk; that is especially true when it comes to sticking with familiarity. Things have changed so much in regards to technology that most are overwhelmed with it. Some don’t even bother, assuming they won’t be able to understand it. But guys, you don’t need to be a programmer to know how to use Spotify. It is so freakin’ easy, you’ll say to yourself, why the f**k did I wait so long? 😀 And most importantly, its absolutely FREE!!! Legal!!!!! And the premium service is only optional. But even at $10/mo. is a steel!

I think the problem consist of 3 main factors. First, we know that for most people, music stops around the age of 35. Meaning, after that age, we usually don’t have the desire to listen to newer music past that age. Therefore, I think if streaming services want to attract the older demographic, you need to promote older music. Second, I really do think the the younger generation can be a huge help. The best way to get an older person’s attention is to show your older loved one just how easy it is. Not just show them how easy it is, go and find one of their old records that is so scratched and f**ked up it can’t be played. Then show them how to search for it on Spotify, then play it. Then watch their eyes pop out of their socket! LOL I never understood how older folk who love music as much as they do, not have the slightest bit of curiosity? Maybe they’re confusing today’s streaming with the old Napster? I don’t know. Lastly, if your loved one decides they want to go with the premium, show them how easy it is to download using Spotify! Now they can take their music with them, and not be chained to YouTube! Show them what Shazam is, and how they can use it to discover almost all their old music on cassette! Not only will they be happy their listening to their childhood music, they’ll have fun doing it.









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