Hi guys! I’m happy to announce that I’m finally a new first time author. I’ve completed writing my first book called “Snap Out Of It! Homophobia Is A Mental Illness! It’s been a long journey through this writing process, but I finally did it. Homophobia is still an incredibly serious issue, and we need to have a sense of urgency to talk about it, while America is going through a forced cultural change right now. The last four years has been literally chaos, and I suspect it will get a lot worse before Americans are forced to understand the problems we’ve caused by our divisions. If the American people do not set aside egos, and if we don’t work together (that includes both politicians and American citizens), we’re gonna be in deep trouble.
Whether you choose to admit it or not, people who are double minorities (meaning being of both color and gay), this can destroy the gay Black community in ways you can’t fathom. We need to put aside our beliefs and look at reality. No matter what you believe and how much you believe what you believe, your beliefs doesn’t take the place of real-time realities. Hopefully, my book can open your hard-heart just a little bit, enough for you to understand our struggles. As always, I feel the major political upset takes away the focus of LGBTQ Americans and LGBTQ immigrants rights. Despite our progress in the queer community, a significant part of our community continues to be left on the back burner. We must not forget our histories and become complacent. Otherwise, before you know it, everything we’ve worked for can easily be revoked with a stroke of a pen (as we seen with Joe Bidden undoing more than 90% of Trump’s policies. Please pickup a copy of my book, it is now available on Amazon.com