Today, I’d like to celebrate the great works of Lionel Richie. He’s not forgotten about, but his name doesn’t rollout from hour tongues either. I’m not sure if there is any single word out there, that can describe all of Lionel Richie’s talents! Literally, there is no one else like Lionel; from his unique voice to his song writing skills. I mean, this man can sing anything! And you know what else? You may not consider his music on the same level as “baby making music,” such as works from Barry White (for example). However, there is no doubt that Lionel has produced some of the most heart-felt romantic songs the world has ever heard; and that’s with and without The Commodores!

I think the first romantic song I heard Lionel sing, which became one of my many favorites, was a song called “Zoom (1977).” I was only 10 years old when the Commodores album came out. My grandfather used to play that song all the time. I’d be walking around grandpa’s house doin’ whatever. If I heard that song I would just stop, listen, and just enjoy Lionel’s voice. Despite my young age, I was that connected to music. Sometimes I don’t understand how is it that I didn’t become a musician.

It’s interesting, Richie has done mostly funk/R&B, but he could have easily gone country. Actually, I think his music probably would not have sounded that different ? Unfortunately, Richie has not made an album since 2012 I believe. Even then, his last album called “Tuskegee (2012),” is pretty much his old music reinterpreted by other various artists. Let’s face it, Lionel doesn’t have to work anymore. He’s kind of like Barbra Streisand; she doesn’t have to work, she just makes albums to have something to do. I put together an amazing Lionel Richie playlist, with 39 of his most popular rare music! Right here on Spotify! Enjoy!