We’ll know that rubbing Styx together makes fire! And the band Styx were hot in the 80s! Styx is a rock band that formed around the early seventies. They’ve had a few Top Ten Hits over the course of their career. Man! Musically speaking…. Talk about confusing?? You see, for me… Dennis DeYoung, who’s the primary lead singer for Styx, sounds almost identical to Air Supply’s Russell Hitchcock. It was a frustrating time for me, because every time I walked into the record store, I’d ask for Air Supply, when I really meant Styx. Today, we don’t have to worry about those things, because most mobile audio apps show all this information. Or we can just Shazam it.

Well, I guess technically I can’t say they’re a one hit wonder, because they have more than 8 Top Tens under their belt. However, I only have one huge favorite from them, that not only hit #1 on the Hot 100 Charts, but it stayed #1 for two consecutive weeks! The song is called “Babe,” released in 1979, from their 7th album called Cornerstone. The band has broken-up a couple of times. They’ve pretty much went on their separate ways. I’ve read that the lead singer DeYoung was extremely difficult to deal with. With so many hits they’ve made together, I’m not even sure if their attempts of creating a reunion will be successful. However, in a recent article, DeYoung states that it might be possible (only if) they’re inducted in the Hall Of Fame.
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